Tag Archives: the right stuff

Richard Spencer Calls for a “White Bloc” to “Defend Against” Anti-Fascists

Richard Spencer has been having a tough couple weeks.  Donald Trump’s decision to intervene on the Syrian conflict, blanket bombing airfields, runs in direct contradiction to the Alt Right’s isolationist nationalist politics and desire for Trump to find an ally in Assad.  Spencer, along with Alt Right outlets like VDare, the Daily Stormer, Counter Currents, The Right Stuff, and others, have spoken out loudly against this, attempting to co-opt the language of the anti-war movement.

In doing this, Spencer arranged an Alt Right protest in front of the White House on April 9th, bringing together the young hosts of the Alt Right Politics podcast from Spencer’s own Radix Journal and Mike Peinovich (Mike Enoch) from The Daily Shoah and The Right Stuff.  They were met by a massive anti-fascist contingent, including organizers from D.C. area groups and the One People’s Project, who clashed with their attempt to carve out a space for themselves.  While the radical left is uniformly against the U.S.’s imperialist intervention, Spencer’s crowd is one who uses this as a proxy for white nationalist talking points, and this superficial agreement is no cause for shelter.

As happens to Spencer regularly, the confrontation became so heated that Spencer was forced to run away, covered by a bodyguard he brought.  He got into a cab that was blocked and had to run down the street as protesters swarmed around him, and two protesters ended up arrested.

Later, on reflection, Spencer spoke about the intensity of the conflict between anti-fascists and the Alt Right, including him most specifically.  Not only has the anti-fascist movement intensified, the average American has sided with anti-fascists against Spencer, and he can no longer enter public places without the possibility of conflict.

“That was the first time some type of use of force was used,” said Spencer about being “glitterbombed” during the event.  “You don’t know what anyone’s throwing at you when it’s glitter.”

Spencer and his crew went on to recount the story, signaling themselves as victims even though they were on camera antagonizing the crowd, calling people “faggots” and “pussies,” and making racist and anti-Semitic comments.

“Basically what’s happening is everything is escalating,” says Spencer, about the increased opposition he is facing.

If we’re going to do a demonstration then we’re going to have to escalate protection.  And I’m not going to talk about what we’re doing, but we are doing something…They’ve already escalated and I don’t know what degree they’re going to actually change [anti-fascist protesters].  They are just going to become more intense.  We know what Antifa basically do.  And this is where we are, and we need to escalate in terms of protection and we will.

The co-host later asks if Richard would like to “extend a little call to arms.”  Richard agrees to.

I will extend a call to arms in this sense, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: we need to form right-wing safety squads.  We need to form a “white bloc” that will counter the black bloc.



Meet the Exterminationist Wing of the Alt Right Who is Open About Wanting to Kill Jews and Non-Whites

In a recent episode of The Daily Shoah, the most popular Alt Right podcast today, after ranting about the various problems of the day they followed through on their previous show’s promise to discuss the “white genocide” happening in South Africa. They brought on blogger and Alt Right “shitlord” Jayoh, who has also appeared on Neoreaction podcasts like Ascending the Tower. After ranting about how “n***ers ruin everything” for fifteen minutes, he finally leveled his real belief to the “problem of South Africa” and integration.

There is no version of segregation that will ever work because somebody will always use it as a cudgel against you…You can’t live around these people, you can’t have them in the next town over. Someone will always leverage them, or they will leverage you, or some way this shit will always fall apart. That’s why I get ragged on for being an unironic exterminationist, but until someone comes up with another solution that hasn’t historically failed, that’s where it stands.

The hosts then justify this discussion by saying that there is an ongoing race war, with the “blacks in South Africa” winning that war. Whites then need to step up and fight, competing with the opposing races for survival, wiping them out in the process.

“That’s how the conflict goes, one wins and one loses,” says co-host Seventh Son, also known as Sven.

The whole of colonialism and settlement and the whole of cultures colliding throughout history has been the history of everyone trying to wipe each other out. If it was two black tribes, if it was two Indian tribes, whoever it was. It was just that our people were better at it than everyone else. Well right now we’re losing, so its time to get back on the horse. The microcosm you can look at is Zimbabwe and South Africa.

“These people are animals. What do we have, 70 IQ for these people?” said Seventh Son, trying to keep up.  Jayoh goes on, upping the ante on his insults.

From tribe to tribe you can even see the marginal level of being extra retorted. They live like animals. Like, I use this term “jungle people” and that’s what I mean because they are basically fucking monkeys. They are speaking languages that only have 3-400 words… So the next question people ask is what do we do in the meantime, what do we do right now. So RaHoWa is not going to kick off tomorrow, it’s a bummer but it happens to be the case.

He goes on tangential rants about how Zulus have “muck muck” languages and that they destroy all functions of “civilization.”

The Right Stuff, the vulgar core of the aggressive white supremacy of the internet Alt Right, recently put out an infographic that essentially said that the Alt Right means white people just reclaiming their identity, the right to be around their own people, and to advocate for their own interests. This has always been coded language used by white nationalists to allow their real motivating factors, guttural rage towards Jews and non-whites, to become more palatable. The voice of Jayoh, though acknowledged by Mike Enoch as a more radical side in their movement, is not out of the mainstream for the Alt Right and they are considered a legitimate intellectual strain within their milieu.

In an article by “Prez Jeff Davis” published at The Right Stuff in December of 2016 called “Genocide: The Inescapable Conclusion,” the idea that genocide is inevitable between ethnic groups is presented. “Genocide is just a word invented by a Jew to demonize the Nazis.”

Genocide is just a word invented by a Jew to demonize the Nazis. As a Dixian-American, I feel no particular link to the Nazis, swastikas, Roman salutes, etc. I’m really pretty ambivalent on those things. Whatever. Jean-Marie Le Pen hit the nail on the head when he called the Jew/Gypsy genocide a detail of history. Ethnic cleansing is a universal part of world history. Nations have always had intermittent wars, wherein they killed their enemies. So what? The common pejorative use of the word genocide as something unthinkable is ignorance gone to seed as it elevates losing for your people as somehow morally superior to winning for your people. Meanwhile Jews don’t seem to show any remorse for genociding the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, Jebusites, or the Amalekites.

It is to our peril that we say “I respect nationalism for all peoples.” While we may sometimes be able to strike up treaties and mutually beneficial trade agreements, or the exchange of scholarly research, or a mutualistic white supremacy such as slavery, we must realize that in the big picture human races are indeed biological competitors, that human evolution is a giant tournament with immutable rules that we cannot cancel and in which elimination means racial extinction rather than just failure to win a trophy. There have always been and always will be eliminations. The only thing we have to decide is whether we want our race to continue to the next round at the expense of others or for other races to continue to the next round at the expense of our own. While it is possible some remnant populations may be retained for cheap labor or medical research, the pro-genocide stance is an inescapable conclusion on at least three different grounds.

This presents a break with the language of “Ethnopluralism” or “Ethnodifferentialism,” a conceptual rebranding of white nationalism that came by way of the French New Right and thinkers like Alain de Benoist. Conventionally, white nationalist and Alt Right language tries to argue for “nationalism for all people,” an idea that appropriates the arguments of post-colonialism to try and have their racism seem more palatable. This has always been coded language that does not change their underlying racial hatred, and as the Alt Right becomes more public, many segments of that movement are moving towards this openly genocidal argumentation.

Although deportations and international treaties may mitigate some of the issues listed above, none of them will be fully resolved without implementing the largest genocide the world has seen up to this point. It is my personal opinion that the biggest threat dindu nations pose to whites is through diseases and that peaceful deportations would do little to diminish that threat. I also think that with present trends, it is more likely that the next deadly pandemic will arise naturally from the 3rd world rather than engineered by the Islamic world, however the West’s penchant for affirmative action in education may just educate the right Muslim scientists for the job.

Genocide necessarily involves either suppression of fertility or active or passive killing, or some combination of methods. Passive killing might include the refusal to supply aid such as food or medical care, preferring to just let Nature run her course, or refusal to come to the rescue when brown tribes genocide each other. The passive method would cause greater suffering and would not finish the job, as there will always be a remnant population to rebound in time. Clearly, an active genocide using white man methods would be more humane than passively letting Nature or savage tribes to do a much sloppier and less complete job. In the same way that animal lovers cannot adopt and care for every stray, but must accept that many be euthanized or sterilized, so it must be with the lower races of humanity.

Extermination of the brown hordes in their homelands could give vast new territories to us. They are ours for the taking. Perhaps some readers wish they could have taken part in the US Homestead acts. Those days do not have to be gone forever. We could gain vast territories and give them away to settlers much like in the old days. We could even form new white countries, and settle much more territory than the entire continental US put together. In Africa, India,  and Latin America 100 or even 1,000 acre tracts could be given away to young homesteaders. Or perhaps our governments could just auction parcels of land or mineral rights instead of collecting taxes. It is up to us white men to agree on the justness of our cause, how the spoils will be divided among us, and to go out and conquer and settle like only white men can.

The entire website discusses ethnic cleansing in various capacities, with the bare minimum being the clearing out of all non-whites and Jews to make it safe for white people. This includes, on the more conservative side, the active removal of non-whites in a global “trail of tears,” shipping black people to Africa, and forcing First Nations people into borderland reservations. On the most radical wing it means industrial scale extermination that would make the Nazi Holocaust appear as the primitive wars of historical states.

Part of this reframing is to discuss all of history as a form of “Ethnic Struggle,” where the extermination of one group by another is just a standard part of biological evolution. Manifest Destiny is then celebrated as the result of the “brilliance of whites,” and the reason that they created global white supremacy is because of their supreme abilities.

In a March 2017 article at The Right Stuff, Padishah Emperor Julius Ebola wrote about the reclaiming of the historical right of global genocide.

The simple reality is that North America was settled as a vast lebensraum for the Aryan race. From the first adventurers and conquistadors who came to seek fortune to the second generation of settlers who pushed the frontier past the 50 mile coastal limit to the hordes of European immigrants who filled the clearings, it was a true folkwandering in the classical sense, but backed by distinctly modern military might.

Yet taught to denounce our own foundations as a people in denial of our Manifest Destiny, we too denounce that healthy expression of the race in other peoples. The harvest of virtue signaling is autogenocide, death by our own hand at the behest of our enemies. We are taught that organic expansion is always wrong. We are taught to die. How barbarous it is to live a society where having descendants is viewed as economic harm and as cruelty to “nature.”

The dual pressures of the frontier, that of expansion and of robust defense of new settlements, keeps a people healthy and oriented properly towards the future. Without the imposition of these pressures a race will become increasingly complacent and inert. Without contested space to expand over, having growth while hemmed into settled pseudo-utopian conditions leads to scale problems and a racial behavioral sink. Today this is literally shown by rising obesity and declining fertility, among other ailments. The only great struggle fought by today’s Aryan man which he knows not that he will live to see the end result of is paying his bills.

The rhetoric of the “Ethnostate” is that it will essentially be isolationist, not involving itself in world affairs and trying to keep to itself in racial harmony. In a march article also by the aforementioned Ebola, he outlines a look at what Ethnostate foreign policy would be, which is in direct opposition to the rhetoric of people like Jared Taylor and Richard Spencer.

Establishing a “White country” requires an international system to support it, or else it will be destroyed. That system is the Golden Axis. You may cry that this is “larping” and therefore implausible, pointless even, but at the very least this theory promotes a much more tenable and sustainable endgame than the hermit mindset of the altright’s so-called “ethnostate,” which is to build a gated community where one may die in peace. Aryan Revolution in one country can never succeed because revolution against the entire global System requires an expansive foreign policy, and that foreign policy must be supremacy in our hemisphere. Such ambitions ought thus to be our minimum agenda. From Alaska to Argentina our banner must fly, or it flies nowhere.

This again requires a genocidal procession through the Global South, in direct contradiction to the primary talking points that the Alt Right has used to gain even the modicum of legitimacy it has.

To justify this genocidal attitude they draw on racialist psychology, primarily the ideas presented by people like Kevin MacDonald and Arthur Jensen that people primarily have empathy for their own ethnic group.   Right Stuff commentator Adam Selene echoes this in his article “The Lie of Human Empathy,” where he mixes quotes from “Beyond Good and Evil” with justifications for rejecting connections with the suffering of non-whites.

The Daily Stormer has become one of the most popular Alt Right websites because it mixes neo-Nazi ideas with the snarky memedom of #AltRight. Its profanity-laden prose is known for open hatred of Jews and non-whites, openly advocating for their eventual extermination. Until recently, it was listed as the “#1 Pro-Genocide” website. Andrew Auernheimer, otherwise known as the hacker-troll Weev, also contributes to the Daily Stormer, and is blatant with his “old school” white supremacist language.

Weev has written a well-known article for My Posting Career called “I sing a song of race war” where he advocates a strategy for convincing whites of hardline white supremacist ideas. In the second “stage” of this strategy, which he calls Antagonize, he mentions how he outlines his real goal: the mass murder of non-whites.

Antagonize! Make flagrant references to a Day of the Rope, lynchings, mass murder. Push against any sense of propriety they have. Notice in the above conversation I am asked if I would hang Obama, and my answer is unequivocally yes. The speaker is looking a way to have their old worldview reconciled with the truth they are being confronted with. Don’t give them any room to cuck themselves. When asked questions like this, assert extremely strongly that yes, all nignogs and mongrels must be purged without exception.

He reaffirms this in a 2016 podcast episode of Counter Currents Radio, where he discusses it jovially with Greg Johnson. This is not that surprising given Weev’s other behavior, such as hacking college printers to print out flyers that are supportive of Norwegian mass-murderer Anders Brevik and another that shows a person shooting up a Jewish synagogue.

It might seem as though this is a new trend in the Alt Right, or one of a few renegade wings, but it goes back to their earliest days and intellectual core. Colin Liddell, who was a prime blogger for AlternativeRight.com that was created by Richard Spencer, was known for his controversial articles.  This included ones that questioned the history of the Holocaust, as well as bluntly put his belief that black people were barely better than animals. While Spencer was still the editor of the website, he published an article by Liddell called “Is Black Genocide Right?”

Instead of asking how we can make reparations for slavery, colonialism, and Apartheid or how we can equalize academic scores and incomes, we should instead be asking questions like, “Does human civilization actually need the Black race?” “Is Black genocide right?” and, if it is, “What would be the best and easiest way to dispose of them?” With starting points like this, wisdom is sure to flourish, enlightenment to dawn.

As we know, the world is becoming increasingly over-populated, while at the same time vital resources are being rapidly depleted. The world will be unable to support much of its future projected population growth. In fact we are probably heading for a great ‘die off’ in which hundreds of millions of our kind will cease to be.

With Europeans and some Asians having much less children, most of the population growth leading to this future crisis is projected to come from Africans. This is the race that history and the present example of South Africa proves is least able to take care of itself; a race that has contributed almost nothing to the pool of civilization and which even shows little inclination to stay within the bounds of that civilization; a race that also seems to harbor a potent inferiority complex and savage hatred towards the creators of that civilization.

This was not out of the norm for Liddell, who continued these racist tracts once he created the tandem New Alternative Right after Spencer pulled the original website away from him and shut it down entirely in favor of his newer Radix Journal.

Even when they do not advocate open extermination, they have worked to undermine the importance of genocide in the Western collective consciousness. Instead of seeing these crimes with the horror they deserve, they want to normalize them as a part of the human experience. This is where the real threat lies, as they will continue to downplay non-white suffering so as to slow down the erasure of white supremacy, a tool that will also lend them a leg up if they ever have the opportunity to play out their murderous fantasies. This is partially why the increase in Alt Right killings is happening, and what they have in store for the world if they ever were to be given power.

Never let their rhetoric go unchallenged, because it is founded on extreme violence. While these advocates are still a minority in the Alt Right, they are accepted and welcomed, a part of the “big tent” of racialism they advocate. Let’s remind people who the Alt Right really is, angry fascists bent on destruction of “the other.”

White Nationalist ‘Daily Shoah’ Calling For Mass Campus Propaganda Weekend After Election

It is well known that white nationalists/Alt Right are some of the worst organizers on the planet. In general, just successfully getting a meme or poster into the public is considered a win for them, while their left wing opponents are carrying out complex organizing campaigns with thousands of participants.

Flyer from UM Campus.

The Daily Shoah, and its website The Right Stuff, is not calling for an “agit prop” attempt at propaganda the weekend after the election. Following Alt Right posterings at the University of Michigan and the Iowa State University, who most assume the Daily Shoah was behind even though they persist they were not, they are calling for posters to be put up at major universities after the election. If Trump is to win, then it will gloat, if he does not, then it will scale up the revolutionary call for “white identity.”

Flyer from UM campus.

Mike Enoch and Seventh Son (Sven) from the Daily Shoah cite the multi-million dollar to commitment the University of Michigan made after the Alt Right posters showed up as a victory. In response to the racialist content they university extended a huge investment in diversity training and inclusionary policy developments, something that the Alt Right is claiming victory on even though anti-racist organizers have been campaigning for it for years. Since, statistically, these diversity trainings actually lower community feelings of bigotry, equalize educational outcomes, and generally work against white nationalist interests, we are going to allow them to continue their “victorious campaign” by inspiring more universities to confront racism.

What is likely to occur is many college-aged Daily Shoah insiders are going to go on campus with these posters during that weekend, attempting to get them up in the cover of night. The Daily Shoah has worked hard to develop a community around their message boards, and that is spilling out into actual community groups like the Houston Goylers in Houston, Texas, the New York Forum, in New York City, and groups in Dallas, Portland, Oregon, Detroit, and other cities. They have given the Alt Right a huge organizational boon, and they seem to have a great deal of crossover with Identity Europa.

Many of the flyers that will be used are found on Alt Right and Right Stuff commentator Reactionary Tree’s, A.K.A. Charles Lyons, website.  Here he has been putting up some racially charged propaganda.

Identity Europa poster from a San Francisco suburb.

For those who want to confront this behavior on campuses, then groups of students and anti-fascist supporters could do late night campus patrols looking to capture these people on camera. Since they thrive on anonymity for their racism, exposure will shut down their attempts at organizing. This is likely to take place on campuses that have seen this behavior before, especially where Identity Europa propaganda posters have appeared.


Some potential schools are (Based on where Alt Right and Identity Europa materials have recently appeared.):


Iowa State University

Portland State University

University of Michigan –Ann Arbor

California State University – Stanislaus

California State University – Berkeley

Charlotte, North Carolina area schools

University of Colorado at Denver

Houston, Texas area schools

Utah State University

Colorado Mountain College

Los Angeles, California area schools

University of Washington

Seattle University

Portland Community College

Washburn University

University of Pittsburgh

Minneapolis area schools

Recent Rise in Local Fascist Propaganda in Seattle Area and Beyond


In the last month or so, there’s been a rise in fascist and racist propaganda seen throughout the Seattle area. There’s been wheatpasted posters, stickers, and even graffiti in Ballard, the University District, the Central District, Beacon Hill, Leschi, South Lake Union and Capitol Hill. There have also been reports of posters and stickers seen on the campuses of Evergreen State College in Olympia, WSU in Spokane and WWU in Bellingham.

The propaganda belongs to at least three different groups, although we cannot be sure of how many people are actually involved. Those groups have been identified as American Renaissance, The Right Stuff, and Identity Evropa.

American Renaissance (AR or AmRen) is a publication that describes itself as a “race-realist, white advocacy organization” that was published in the 1990’s by New  Century Foundation, a white separatist organization. AR has been active since 1990, and is listed as a white supremacist organization by the Anti-Defamation League. They have been wheatpasting and writing graffiti in Sodo and the Central District, messages like “AR will vote from the rooftops” and “Vote Trump 2016” with their emblematic AR logo accompanying it.

The Right Stuff is an alt-right blog and podcast that seems to have situated itself comfortably between respectability-aiming fascist politicos and meme-filled internet culture. Their wheatpasted posters have been seen in the UD, the CD, Leschi and Sodo, and consist of a link to their website along with slogans like “Looking for solidarity?” “White Pride Worldwide” “White and Unapologetic, Rediscover White Identity.” They seem to be friendly with Identity Evropa, both of which have hosted each other on their own podcasts.

Identity Evropa posters and stickers have been seen in Ballard, South Lake Union, Capitol Hill, the UD, and as far south as Beacon Hill. This group seeks to shed the violent imagery and language that most racists and fascists are given, in favor for a respectable and presentable academic approach to uplifting and emboldening a so-called white European identity. One does not need to dig deep however to see them for what they really are; racist ideologues.

It is incredibly important to make sure that any kind of propaganda by these racist/fascist organizations are immediately disposed of or covered up. We cannot let them successfully have any space without some resistance on our part. Stay vigilant! Their propaganda is sometimes coded in strange symbology that doesn’t seem outright racist or fascist at first, but can be easily seen if you know what to look for. Carry a fat marker or small spray can with you when you walk around the city.

If you see any posters, graffiti, etc that belongs to or might belong to one of these groups or a sympathizer, take note and please emailantifa206 (at) riseup (dot) net so that we can continue to document and keep a record of their work and organizing.

Why Is SoundCloud Supporting White Nationalist Podcasts?

In a recent episode of Fash the Nation, the most popular podcast on the Right Stuff Alt Right podcast network, hosts Jazz Hands McFeels and Marcus Halberstram joked with glee that their podcast had hit #1 on SoundCloud.  Though this may be shocking, it is actually only the top spot among conservative political podcasts, though this is still a frightening development.  Podcasting has been a central tool of Alt Right white nationalism, with early adopters like Richard Spencer of Radix Journal really making it a key point of outreach.  The model was further popularized by The Right Stuff, who took an “Opie and Anthony” styled talk show format with Alt Right themes, complete with their own Chan type jargon and aggressive use of racial slurs and incendiary rhetoric.

In recent months the content has been made obvious on many platforms, with the Radix Journal podcast and Red Ice Radio being dropped from iTunes and the Daily Shoah being let loose from SoundCloud.  This shuddering, however, seems to be short lived as the growing Right Stuff podcast network, of which the Daily Shoah is the flagship, has made SoundCloud a key broadcasting and outreach platform.

The Daily Shoah itself has found a way to get back onto SoundCloud by going under their radar, being aware that their name is likely what brought attention on them in the first place.  There are multiple streams and accounts at play for the various Right Stuff podcasts, including shows like the Weekly Narrative and the Darwin Digest.  The Daily Shoah is now included in their complete stream, just called TRS Radio, and streamed with the name “TDS” and then the episode number.  This is essentially a way to trick SoundCloud into allowing them to broadcast even though they have been banned.


Following the Right Stuff’s example, other fascist organizations are using SoundCloud to start their podcast outreach.  Nathan Damigo and Identity Europa are now broadcasting under the name On the Front, while there are also accounts for white supremacist troll Weev, the Radix Journal, the New Alternative Right, Red Ice Radio, Radio ThreeFourtheen, and many others.

SoundCloud has already shown that they are not going to tolerate openly racist podcasting on their platform, so it begs the question as to why it is continuing.  The primary reason is that the issue itself just has not been raised.  What this means is that anti-racists internationally need to contact them and let them know exactly what is going on here and what podcasts are broadcasting a message of hate.

Below we are including the contact information to report these podcasts to SoundCloud, as well as a list of open white nationalist Alt Right podcasts that are using SoundCloud to extend their reach of violence.  Write and call in and let them know that you do not support these voices of racial nationalism and reactionary force on SoundCloud!

Alt Right Podcasts

  • Fash the Nation
  • Radio ThreeFourteen
  • Radix Journal Podcast
  • Red Ice Radio
  • The Weekly Narrative
  • Radio Free Skyrim
  • TRS Radio
  • The New Alternative Right
  • WhiteHotTakes
  • The WaifView
  • One the Front
  • The Nation of One
  • Manifest Destiny
  • Rick Tyler for Congress
  • Kulturkampf
  • The Dingoes
  • NPI America
  • NewEuropeRadio
  • The Fatherland
  • Musonius Rufus
  • Nationalist Public Radio
  • RightOn Radio
  • Stefan Molyneaux


Contact SoundCloud to report the podcasts at: http://policyandsafety.help.soundcloud.com/customer/portal/articles/2155752-reporting-content

Here you can report the above podcasts for hate speech, which all of them openly violate.  TRS Radio especially violates this as they are broadcasting a podcast that was already banned explicitly.





Peak Alt Right: How the Far Right Has Already Lost

For Richard Spencer, the Republican National Convention was a return to relevance, a coming out party for those who had been out for years before anyone cared.

This was not the first Republican event for Spencer, who spent his early professional years following the small paleoconservative niches blazed by people like Pat Buchannan and Taki Theodoracopulos.  After penning a defense of the student Lacrosse players at Duke University who were accused of sexually assaulting a sex worker of color for the William Taft society, he was brought on as an Assistant Editor of arts at the American Conservative.  The magazine made a name for itself through Scott McConnell’s attempt to channel Old Right politics into a world disgusted by most of the excess of Neoconservative foreign policy, coming out against the Iraq War while few on the right were.


McConnell eventually helped Spencer to land a job further to the right at Taki’s Magazine, which keeps the overflow of racists let go from places like Forbes and The National Review.  As Peter Brimelow left behind his career attacking teacher’s unions for white nationalism and anti-immigrant extremism with his website VDare and John Derbyshire decided to go public with his with race and IQ arguments, Taki’s Magazine became a place where they could continue to rant to an audience that was almost relevant to beltway Conservatism.

It was here that Spencer decided to make a final transition to the fringes based on the community that he was seeing take shape out of the ashes of paleoconservatism.  Greg Johnson, the editor of the neo-fascist publishing house Counter Currents described the early days of Alternative Right, which Spencer founded as a “big tent” for these dissident right-wing movements, as a place for ideas often conflicting to find a common ground.

[Alternative Right] will attract the brightest ‘young’ conservatives and libertarians and expose them to far broader intellectual horizons, including race realism, White Nationalism, the European New Right, the Conservative Revolution, Traditionalismneo-paganismagrarianismThird Positionismanti-feminism, and right-wing anti-capitalistsecologistsbioregionalists, and small-is-beautiful types.

Though it has gone through several iterations, the Alt Right is the most recent stage of the process started by Spencer several years ago.  Together, it makes up an ideological fascist kernel of ideas, ones that drive the political movement of the racialist right.  While it is largely undefined, it can loosely be thought to encompass anti-egalitarianism, anti-democracy, elitist, racialist, anti-feminist, and other forms of anti-equality thinking that make up its ideological core.  Whether these are arguments to restore the monarchy, to return to the “Ethnic religions” of pre-Christian Europe, or simply proclamations that people of color are more prone to crime or have lower innate IQs, it is the ideological position in favor of hierarchy that drives its ranks, from the white nationalists to the Men’s Rights activists.

While they often mock the neo-Nazis, Klansman, and old guard of the insurrectionary racist movement, they share the same ideological ideas even if the Alt Right are more upper middle class and concerned with a different strategic orientation.

An Intellectual Tradition?

As Spencer walked the streets surrounding the convention in Cleveland he held above him a sign that said “Want to talk to a “racist?”  This is a strategic move for Spencer, who wants to reframe “racism” as simply a preference for one’s own “identity” and “tribe.”  He attempts to liken himself to Latino organizations looking to advance what he calls “ethnic interests,” or Black Nationalists looking to retain a culture that was robbed during colonial slavery.

His arguments, while ignored for years, have finally found an audience in the mainstream press who are trying to make sense of the ideological current that has been associated with the rise of Donald Trump.  HBO, shooting a documentary looking at racialist groups in the U.S., was following him around, and even set up a conversation between him and news anchor Jorge Ramos.  While this may seem like cheap controversy baiting, and it is, Spencer was presented as a reasonable point of debate with Ramos.  Instead of just a spectacle, the message has been sent that Spencer represents a growing point of view that must be considered in the debate.  Previously his ethnic nationalist message would have been considered so obviously repulsive as not to be considered relevant for inclusion, but these are apparently the times we live in.

The Alt Right has pushed itself into the discourse through a few convenient openings.  The first, and most obvious, is the self-destruction of the Conservative Movement.  As Spencer has discussed, at length, the Conservative Movement as we know it today is more of an invention of William Buckley and the National Review as a Cold War ideology.  Here it mixed Christian social conservatism, hawkish foreign policy, and free market economics into something that appeared as a coherent ideology for decades.  Right-wing scholar Paul Gottfried, who consorts with Spencer and company often, calls this ideological pairing “idea clusters,” where the ideas themselves are not necessarily ideologically related yet are put into a bunch and labeled as “conservative.”

As demographics change, capitalism heads into permanent crisis, and the culture shift dramatically, Buckley’s idea cluster is failing to resonate.  It is in this space that alternatives have been tried, with libertarianism being the ideological position popular in the younger areas of the GOP for the last few years.  This headed into decline as Ron Paul faded from view and places like Reason Magazine and the Caito Institute lost power or uniqueness.

Now, in the search for an identity, many of the edgier “dissidents” allied with American Conservatism have found Brietbart, post-Tea Party racial anger, and Donald Trump.

Now That’s What I Call Edgy

When mixed with the second key factor for the Alt Right, the horizontal nature of social media, you can see why the edgy “Shitlords” found a voice.  In an attempt to out offend each other, the culture of the Alt Right was formed on 4Chan, Reddit, and Twitter, where the need to find uniqueness and to rebel against what they believe orthodoxy to be (in this case it is “political correctness”), they united with old-fashioned white supremacy to form a semi-coherent white nationalism that is based in ironic catch phrases, internal jargon, trolling, and unrestrained anger.

With Twitter they can cut through to mainstream discourse by trending hashtags like #Cuckservative, using every media mention as a way to slowly seep in Nazi talking points with kitschy memes and constant trolling.  Gone are the days of concerted organizing around crossover topics like immigration and affirmative action, now it is better to dominate comments sections on articles and post blogs arguing in favor of slavery and Holocaust Denial.

This is perfectly fine with Spencer, who was always looking to foment a fascist cultural movement more than a political one.  As he often proselytizes, he is not a materialist, he is an idealist in the German tradition.  He believes the change starts in the minds and the culture, and “politics are a lagging indicator.”  This is why his movement starts with a tweet, not with a sign, and you will not see concrete goals listed as how to get to the Ethnostate he envisions on the North American continent.

It is all of these peculiarities and contradictions that lead to why the Alt Right is failing before it ever really begins.

What drew out Alternative Right and its successor, the Radix Journal, as well as the entire sphere of neo-fascist publications and publishers was its ability to create a philosophical foundation to the racialist and neo-fascist movement.  It was not just its congenial style, we have had suit and tie racists before (see David Duke wearing suits at Klan meetings), but what Alternative Right attempted to do was do have a real set of philosophical, academic, and new religious interventions.  This was a smart white nationalism, one that was attempting to find some coherence.  As you would expect, this has had mixed results as those with credentials and ideas are few and far between inside of the far right, as is art, music, and literature.

Radical Traditionalist and esoteric fascist, Julius Evola.

In their pursuit a few key threads came out, from celebrating paganism to the Radical Traditionalism of Julius Evola, Spencer and his ilk worked hard to carry on the legacy of people like Alain de Benoit and Guilluime Faye.  This was to make fascism just as much of a philosophic project as Marxism and anarchism, and one that they hoped to decouple from the more obvious forms of violence and ugly racism that it usually resorts to.  While those on the anti-fascist left will usually point out that this is merely an act, and it is, there is often a deeper process here.  What they are searching for is to give reason and purpose to the bigotry that they feel, and they want to prove that it is not hatred but deep philosophical ideas and socio-biological identity that is driving them.  Spencer has constructed a culture that looks as much as possible like the academic left, using jargon and rhetoric that feels more like the Frankfurt School than like the National Alliance.  Oswald Spangler, Ernst Junger, and Carl Schmidt were pulled off the shelf, mixed with misreadings of Nietzsche, and an “intellectual” fascist tradition was continued in the few conferences the Alt Right had the money to muster.

With the innocuously named National Policy Institute, Spencer hosted conferences that were overpriced and set in posh venues, all with the idea of gaining legitimacy.  With Washington Summit Publishers, the NPI book publishing wing, he basically republished books by scientific racists of the past like Madison Grant as well as “new school” race and IQ ideologues like Richard Lynn and Kevin McDonald, all with names like the “Global Bell Curve” that both try to ride the wave of popular right-wing books in the mainstream and to sound as if they could blend into the world of scientific publishing.  Going further, with the launch of the Radix Journal website, Spencer created a Radix imprint for Washington Summit Publishers to print books that were more cultural.  Here they published a slick journal with themes like “The Great Erasure,” looking at the “global delegitimization of the white man.”  They republished crossover authors like Samuel Francis, who has the strange achievement of being published regularly in the Washington Times as well as for white nationalist publications like the Occidental Observer, American Renaissance, and the Citizen Informer, the newsletter of the Council of Conservative Citizens.

Similarly, Greg Johnson of Counter Currents has tried to create an academic tone with his publishing, mixing in the pseudo-spirituality of Heathens like Stephen McNallen, the racial mysticism of Savitri Devi, and tribalists like Jack Donovan.  Going even further, publishers like Arktos Media have tried to build a culture on republishing Julius Evola and French New Right thinkers as well as neofolk records, all with the idea that they can create a far-right wing culture of art and philosophy.

All of this together brought a certain tone that, while masking the guttural racial hatred and genocidal justifications, was meant to make arguments for their position in a world disgusted by racism, sexism, and homophobia.

It wasn’t this culture, however, that gave the Alt Right the name it has today.

Blind Ideology, White Anger

The current state of the Alt Right is one that is based on a certain online cruelty, a culture built almost entirely on the insult.  This did not start with The Right Stuff and their headline podcast The Daily Shoah, but it certainly was popularized with it.  The Daily Shoah was created by a group of former libertarians who had turned towards white nationalism and wanted to create an Opie and Anthony styled radio show for their crew.  As they had built most of their ideological foundations on message boards rather than in political situations out in the real world, they had developed a caustic online culture of racial epithets and angry misogyny.  Uniting the worlds of white nationalism, Men’s Rights Activism, anti-disability blame-rage, and other indulgences of reactionary toxicity, they used the Alt Right philosophical underpinnings as a foundation for their anger.  They hate black people, and call them the N-word and other creative insults, and then pick at “Human Biological Diversity” terminology to justify their anger.  Kevin McDonald’s anti-Semitic conspiracy theories fuel their bizarre belief that everything in the culture that pulls progressive or against systemic white supremacy is done by Jews, who conspire in their genes to undermine “Western Civilization.  They bring on other Nazis and right-wingers to indulge in esoteric Hitlerism, strange Euro-paganism, and the intermix of Christian orthodoxy, paleolibertarianism, and secular authoritarianism with their own angry racism to create a culture of Internet trolling rather than political organizing.

Through The Right Stuff, the Daily Stormer, and a slew of blogs and podcasts, we have seen the two cultures, the pseudo-academic and the vulgar anger, unite into one “Alt Right,” with a single soul and two dramatically different faces.

As Spencer walked in circles around the Quicken Loans Arena he tried to turn “stereotypes” about racists on their head, fighting to shake Jorge Ramos’ hand.  In an earlier interview, Ramos had a conversation with a KKK member who refused to lock palms with him, and Spencer wanted to show that he, in fact, respected Ramos.  In their conversation, Spencer wanted to prove that Ramos was an “Identitarian” just like Spencer, fighting for his people.  This is a common talking point among white nationalist who try to argue that they are fighting for white interests just like the NAACP fights for “black interests” and La Raza fights for “Latino interests.”  This is context denial, a term that the Alt Right loves to use, in that they do not like to admit that when it comes to Black Nationalism, it is an attempt to reclaim a stolen culture and identity, while white nationalism actually obliterates European history in an attempt to reconstruct formal white supremacy. One is organizing against verifiable oppression, and the other is the reactionary anger of a group who is having their privilege eroded by progress.

That evening Spencer was invited to Milo Yiannopoulos’ evening party, where he lived out one of the most profound paradoxes of the Alt Right and their participation at the RNC.  Milo has made a name for himself as the most high profile people donning the Alt Right label, though his version is the most watered down by most Alt Right standards.  Many on the Alt Right denounce Milo because he is a gay man with a Jewish ancestry; though the more savvy of the crowd like that he is mainstreaming their iconoclastic views at Breitbart.  Milo was there to lead the anti-Islamic charge, claiming that it Islam was not only irreconcilable with queerness, but incompatible with Western Civilization as a whole.  LGBTrump founder Chris Barron continued this rhetoric during the evening, which echoed the angry scapegoating of Jewish immigrants in 1920s Germany.  While comparisons to Nazi Germany are often obvious and overwrought, this situation seemed obvious as the contempt towards Muslims was explicit and there were open calls for their forced expulsion.

Matt Forney (Middle)

While Spencer was softening the blows of his racism, Milo was riding the wave of this own offensiveness, all the way to being banned on Twitter.  Spencer was one of many Alt Right people at Milo’s events, including MRA clown Matt Forney reporting for Red Ice.  The party was an RNC associated event that openly invited people who argue that Black people should be forcefully returned to Africa in a “peaceful ethnic cleansing.”  If this doesn’t reveal the current orientation of the GOP, nothing does.

After the first couple days of the party, Spencer joined Jazz Hands McFeels at Fash the Nation, one of the other most popular white nationalist podcasts on the growing Right Stuff podcast network.  After telling Jorge Ramos that he respected all races and cultures, he used racial slurs to refer to black people and laughed along at comparisons between people of color and animals.  Fash the Nation enjoys using the n-word, calling black people “feral” and various types of apes, and laughs about killing Jews.  This is what has spiked its numbers, as its Alt Right Twitter army laughs with glee as they are given permission to revel in the darkest parts of their reactionary bigotry.

Appearance vs. Reality

It is here that the contradiction in the Alt Right has grown to proportions it cannot ignore: it wants to be both an inoffensive political and ideological movement while also being an angry and virulently offensive brand of political theater.  While Spencer previously found racial slurs offensive and idiotic, he dropped his standards once it was those qualities that gave the Alt Right legs.  While he was developing an “ideological” movement built on intellectual credibility, it was words like Dindu, Triggered, Echoes, and Merchant that gave it the culture to grow.

As it hits its zenith, many on the inside of these circles are beginning to realize that you cannot have both.  You cannot have an inoffensive “identitarianism” on one side, that argues that is simply wants its own identity and is not reveling in hatred of “the other” while also indulging in angry insults at people of color and mocking their suffering.

Holocaust Denial has come in waves as a sort of “crossover” topic for white nationalists, one that is intended to find some converts in conspiracy theory circles.  In the early 1990s it saw a peak with organizations like the Institute for Historical Review and the Barnes Review trying to legitimize “Holocaust Revisionism” as just another form of historical inquiry.  They argued that it was simply about uncovering truth and had no social or political agenda besides finding out what really happened.

If this was true, why was it that most of those involved in the revisionism were also involved in racial nationalist projects?  Why were the same people questioning the existence of gas chambers also presenting race and IQ arguments?  Could it be simply that they were repackaging the racial hatred of the past in new pseudo-intellectual arguments?  This became such an obvious sham that places like the IHR shut their doors, and Holocaust Denial became (until recently) an almost forgotten task left to basement dwellers on BlogSpot.

Mark Weber

They attempted to say that their arguments were disconnected from all of the aspects that society finds repulsive: insulting racism, racial violence, genocide, persecution, and oppression.  Instead, they could not cover their tracks well enough, and it took only the briefest look to reveal them for who they were.  Mark Weber, the most well known front-man for the IHR (after wrestling it away from ignominious racist Willis Carto) often donned a suit and tie and used academic jargon when stating his case for reimagining the second World War.  If he really was just another historian who stumbled on this “inconvenient truth,” then how come he had been a member of the neo-Nazi National Alliance since he was a teenager?

A similar situation marks the two-storied history of American Renaissance (AmRen), one of the largest and most established white nationalist projects in the country.  AmRen began in the late 1980s as a newsletter from Jared Taylor as a pseudo-intellectual white nationalist voice, intending to be an alternative to the toxic influence of neo-Nazi organizations that engaged in murderous fits of violence over the 1980s.  Taylor focused in on race and IQ arguments mainly, riding the wave of The Bell Curve and the candidacies of people like David Duke and Pat Buchanan, creating a “high brow” culture for their conferences.  Over the years they have hosted every scientist who has made arguments about the differences between races, often arguing that the organization is simply dedicated to getting out a clearer view of science, heredity, and biological difference.

Donald Templar, speaking at American Renaissance.

If this were true, then their list of speakers would not be a “who’s who” of nationalist far-right political organizations, ranging from fascist organizations to ones with a history of racial terror.  If it was simply an organization for the scientific study of race, then you would not have “academics” like Donald Templar stepping to the podium to yell about how tired he is of black people “complaining” and how they need to be worked 60-hour weeks in prison so they will stop “giving aids to each other.”  If you listen to a large cross section of American Renaissance speeches, or read their newsletter, the only connective tissue is anger towards non-white people and the value-laden language meant to disparage anyone without pure Aryan ancestry.  All of the “difference” that they outline puts black and brown people in a negative light, and most of the terms and categories used are either antiquated or non-scientific in orientation.   Plainly put, American Renaissance is an organization dedicated towards developing white nationalism through the denigration of people of color, and the “science” is piecemeal, out of context, and almost always discredited.

Why American Renaissance has dropped its scientific veneer in recent years is that it did not work.  They attempted to gain credibility for its beliefs on the one hand, yet empowered a sub-intellectual culture of racial slurs, anger, and insults.

Spencer has spent years disassociating himself with the KKK and neo-Nazis of the world, but that is a surface act at best.  In his most recent podcast, Spencer interview former KKK leader David Duke about his upcoming big for the Louisiana legislature.  He often has Kevin McDonald, the sort of Karl Marx of anti-Semitism, who was on the board of the skinhead-associated American Freedom Party, a place where Spencer has also been interviewed.  He often joins The Daily Shoah, or invites them on his own show, where they do not skimp on the denigrations against Jews, transgender people, and all non-white people.  Spencer may play his rhetorical game, but the only difference between him and a KKK member is that his house is worth almost $4 million.  When it comes to every ideological point, from the “subhuman” nature of black people to the secret power structure of Jews, Spencer is identical to all of the neo-Nazis that the general public finds so repulsive.  When it comes to rhetoric, he is of the same circles as those calling Black people “Dindus,” making monkey sounds during Black History month, and applauding the murder of Mike Brown.

As Donald Trump publicly implodes going into the general election, he is continuing to drum up an “anti-PC” culture of racial animosity and fighting words.  This peak has given the Alt Right a place in the public discourse, but it has discredited all legitimacy it had hoped to gain.  While they main gain converts through their toxic discourse and rhetoric, they have undermined all ability to actually have an influence on even the broader American right wing.  While trying to take on both faces, that of the academy and of the bully, they have failed to actually benefit from either, and now they are seeing peak influence.  Even if Donald Trump was to pull a Hail Mary and win in the general election, their rhetoric will continue to fade as Trump’s administration heads to a socially conservative platform, bought into the same neoliberal interests that he has been tied to throughout his career as a bourgeois inheritance baby.  The Alt Right has played all of its cards, and its limited contributions to discourse will not withstand its self-destruction.

For anti-fascists going forward, the biggest lesson is that the Alt Right has rebranded the far right, and will make up the cultural touchstones of fascist organization for years to come.  Broad nationalism, Internet trolling, and silly jargon are what neo-Nazis are today, which gives a great sign of what to look for.  As far as influence, they have created a cap that they will never be able to move past.

Tee-Spring Drops Daily Shoah T-Shirts

One of the key ways the Alt Right attempts to make its way into the culture is by sliding itself into casual discourse by normalizing racist jokes that have a very serious fascist undercurrent. This was exactly the intent with the Coincidence Detector, the Google Chrome-Plugin that put parenthesis around the last names that they think are Jewish. This “echo” is meant to make people think about all of these Jewish last names and think that is “can’t be a coincidence,” even though they are arbitrarily assigning Jewishness to some names, lumping them into groups, and then assuming some coordinated conspiracy to do a whole range of “degeneracies.”

All Shirts 1.png

They have done this largely through their meme culture of slang words and goofy parody songs laced with incredibly offensive racist language. They repeatedly make jokes about “1488,” which is a neo-Nazi meme that they appropriate in a way to make fun of their more “LARPy” ideological counterparts. They have taken their memes a step further in different gifts they give to the donors to their show, starting with the oven mitts. During their run, when a donor gave $14.88 they were sent a Daily Shoah oven mitt. This is supposed to reference the ovens used to incinerate Jewish bodies during the Holocaust, which is a Holocaust they do not believe happened and intend to mock. They use “ovened” in casual conversation as a way to say something deserves to be destroyed, or simply to awkwardly insult something simply for rhyming(such as the “oven middle class” instead of Upper Middle Class).

Standard Pool Co.png

Their newest attempt at bringing the memes into the community is with their different shirts. Their “standard” shirt, which says Standard Pool Party, is a reference to their “standard pool parties,” which is just their meet-ups for Alt Right fans. Their Fash the Nation shirts were simply to promote their political show, and when the issue came forward with the coincidence Detector they came up with another one. This simply included the triple parenthesis around the world “Coincidence,” which is a coded reference to the “Jewish Question.”

Four Shirts.png

As the story about the Coincidence Detector went viral, people got wise to the t-shirt that was up on their Tee-Spring page and reported it for hate speech. The shirt was promptly pulled down, angering many in the Right Stuff forums and annoying the hosts. The other shirts still stay up, most of which are pretty vague in terms of racial references. Instead, the shirts are more just a reference to the Daily Shoah and, by relationship, to racial nationalism. There are, however, shirts with helicopters, referencing the helicopter murders by Pinochet’s army against dissidents.  The 616 Degrees shirt is also a reference to the concentration camp ovens used to incinerate bodies.  These would both also violate the Tee-Spring Terms of Service.

That was, however, until the TRS Merch page on Tee-Spring was pulled of all of its shirts. Since Tee-Spring campaigns for shirt sales are temporary, it could just be that their sale ended and will returns soon. This requires keeping an eye out to see if they return.


Reality Star Tila Tequila Appears on Fash the Nation, Blames Jews, Immigrants, and “Blacks”


For all its claims of discernment and elitism, the Alt Right will take just about anyone it can get.

We have covered the infamous D-list reality celebrity Tila Tequila in the past.  Several years ago, Tequila seemed to go off the deep end on her own website where she started posting Holocaust Denial rants, admiration for Hitler, and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories claiming that the Jews of today are actually the parasitic Khazar race and not the Israelites of the Bible.  This is one of the more “out there” conspiratorial claims usually made by Christian Identity extremists, and for some reason this bi-sexual Asian woman is now allying herself with the furthest reaches of Nazism.

Her strange love for Hitler has garnered the most attention, with her beginning by posting a picture of herself dressed as a Nazi.  She has posted articles and comments discussing her celebration of Hitler, and as recent as Hitler’s birthday (4/20) this year(2016) she went to Twitter to say that Hitler was the “true king,” her soul mate, that he was the second coming of Christ, and that she was Hitler in a past life.  She went as far as to Photoshop herself into a picture sitting next to Hitler.


In the past she turned her own personal website into a troll farm for far-right Jew bashing, where any criticism was met with the vilest racial slurs straight out of Stormfront.  An example of this would be what she said of reality TV director James Marcus Howe, where she hurled the kind of insults you never would have expected.


She often responded by calling people Jews and Kikes when commenters said she was being racist or attempted to point out that Hitler would admonish her for her bi-racial background.  She was eventually dropped from the reality show Big Brother in 2015 because of her pro-Hitler politics.


Over the years it has not gotten much better for Tequila as she desperately raises money online to pay rent and takes almost any appearance job she can get.  She came back into the news recently as she went on Twitter to say she also does not believe the earth is round, and that she joined rapper B.O.B. in calling NASA “globalist shills.”  The idea here is that NASA are a part of the anti-nationalist “new world order” that is destroying our racial and cultural identities with lies like the spherical Earth.  She has also roundly endorsed Donald Trump, which is an endorsement even the Trump campaign was not likely looking for.

Her anti-black racism has also garnered gossip recently as she continues to go on Twitter and say vulgar racist things about black people.  She has said that “blacks” pray to their “fried chicken God,” that the “coloreds” shop at Wal-Mart, and various other mockeries of having “affirmative action friends.”  It didn’t help when Radar Online revealed a text message she sent to the father of her child that read “Your daughter Briana is dating a n***er…why is this so prevalent in your family?”  She spends much of her time on Twitter tweeting at black artists asking why she isn’t allowed to use the N-word.

In an effort to one up herself, she has now appeared on one of the most popular white nationalist podcasts in the world.  Fash the Nation is the political podcast from The Right Stuff, the parent website of the Daily Shoah podcast.  It has now eclipsed the Daily Shoah in popularity, mainly because it spends three hours pretending they have a good grasp on American politics.  The podcast mainly discusses Donald Trump’s candidacy, but the hosts usually devolve into racist name calling and Trump worship, and it is clear that they are out of their league when it comes to even the most basic political analysis.


They occasionally have guests, and even an interview once in a while, and that is where Tila Tequila came in.

Many people might say that she would not know exactly what Fash the Nation was exactly, but right from the start it became clear that she not only knew what it and the Alt Right were, but she was also sympathetic.  While she labeled herself as Conservative, she said she was moving in the direct of the Alt Right.  She said that she was previously unaware of what was “really going on,” and then left Hollywood for Texas and began “trolling” online with conspiracy theorists.  She met Alt Right people online and then found that her community in Houston were reflecting what Alt Righters said, where non-white immigration had turned her neighborhood into an “unsafe ghetto.”

It seriously looks like a third world country out here.  And its not fair because my parents actually worked really hard to become, you know, middle class people…crime has really shot up, and it has turned really ghetto.  I can’t even take my daughter out anywhere without worry about, and then I have to think about, ‘ok, what areas can I migrate to to take her to a safer area.’  We shouldn’t be kicked out of our neighborhoods.

They avoided the fact that she was from an immigrant family, just like the immigrants she was blaming.  In reality, crime has not risen dramatically in the immigrant areas of Houston and the increases in crime rate that do happen are directly correlative to income inequality.

Tila quickly, and on her own, began moving into the Alt Right’s narrative about public housing vouchers and how the government is actually destroying white neighborhoods by “moving in” poor people of color.  She agreed that people of color shouldn’t be moved into white neighborhoods because they would destroy them.

It’s like they have taken Section 8 housing people and spread them into nice neighborhoods, to be equal, or whatever.  And its not cool because, sure, everyone deserves a chance to have a good life, or whatever, but its just not safe to mix certain types of—

She stopped herself in the middle of saying Mexican, which is again, strange given her own non-white ethnic background.  She repeatedly talked about how she was often the only “light skinned” person in these dangerous neighborhoods, and how she worries for her daughter’s safety anytime she was near dark skinned members of the community.  Most of this came with stuttering rants, barely coherent in their embarrassing fragments.  For an Alt Right community that celebrates elitism, this has to be the bottom of their own barrel.

They spent a great deal of time talking Donald Trump, where she supported the candidate’s plan to build a wall since “there are a bunch of invaders coming into our country.”  Her and the Fash the Nation hosts discussed the allyship between whites and Asians, who white nationalists often consider to be “second to whites” because of a perceived high natural intelligence.  They still say they don’t want a great deal of Asian immigration, which Tila agrees, saying “we didn’t come over here [to the U.S.] to bring the third world with us.”  The hosts do their best to keep Tila on their racist track, moving to international refugee policy.

While it may seem confusing for a neo-fascist podcast like Fash the Nation to have someone like Tila Tequila as a guest, especially since she is non-white, non-heterosexual, and having worked as a sex worker, it is part of their program.  What it shows more than anything is that these ideas are not just isolated t0 a white core, but can have allies throughout the culture.  It also shows the willingness by people on the Alt Right to pull any celebrity in that could possibly connect to their racialism, even if they are barely literate reality stars who think the Earth is flat.

Note: It should be noted clearly that we think there is nothing shameful about sex work, and believe that it is both “real work” and something that should be respected and defended.  The irony, however, is that those at The Right Stuff, the Daily Shoah, and Fash the Nation do not agree, and instead see sex work as decadent degeneracy.



Going Full Fash: Breitbart Mainstreams the ‘Alt Right’

The radical right has always needed a stop over point on its way to middle American conservatism.  For years, the Libertarian Party and its various “economic” projects were this, from the anti-tax movement of California to the mainstreaming of their ideas with the Tea Party.  Libertarianism has headed into the Beltway as one of the last popular coherent philosophies for the new GOP, mired in mainstream liberal values mixed with cut-through capitalism.  In this move to the mainstream it has shed much of its racialist and white nationalist connections, leaving the growing Alt Right looking for its new crossover point.  They have found that friend in Brietbart.

Brietbart News began with the now-deceased perpetual yell of Andrew Breitbart, which brought a young and confrontational style to the Tea Party.  From “exposing” Acorn with edited videos that took low-wage organizing workers’ statements out of context to asking for “video proof” that Congressmen John Lewis was called the N-word at a public Tea Party event, Breitbart, and its various web staples such as the embarrassing BigGovernment.com, has made a name for itself for standing to the right of Fox News and engaging in the kind of silly click-bait that allows it to compete in an angry Twitter-verse.

The Alt Right, meaning the newest incarnation of the “intellectual” and Internet-driven white nationalist movement, has needed some friends in the the world of Beltway Conservative Inc., and Breitbart has proven that it can act as the middle point between their lair and the Brooks Brothers and “fiscal conservatism” of D.C.’s Republican establishment.

This relationship has been cemented with Breitbart’s recent fawning feature, “An Establishment Conservative’s Guide to the Alt-Right.”  The article begins by immediately drawing the comparison between the Alt Right’s role in conservatism to the role of Marxism to the contemporary left by saying “A specter is haunting the dinner parties, fundraisers and think-tanks of the Establishment: the specter of the ‘alternative right.;” The main thrust of the article is a large-scale defense of the Alt Right against allegations of racism, bigotry, and ideological violence.  Their defense begins with the perceived intelligence of the Alt Right in comparison to the caricatures of Klansman, which says nothing of their ideological orientations.  They go on to quote male-tribalist Jack Donovan, who one of the authors of the article, Milo Yiannopoulos, is friends with online.  This is not surprising as Donovan is known for being a sort of “anti-gay gay author” whose basic ideology is that queer men should abandon the gay identity because it is associated with feminism, effeminacy, and leftist politics.  Yiannopoulos, for his part, is publicly a gay man, which led to many of the reasons that the Alt Right had mixed reactions to this work (we will get into this later on).

This opening section mentions the ideological framework for the Alt Right as being diverse, and including Oswald Spengler, H.L. Mencken, Julius Evola, Sam Francis, and the French New Right, as well as having a relationship to the paleoconservative movement of the 1980s-90s.  This is meant to insulate it from accusations of extreme racism supposedly, and he goes on to mention more modern incarnations of this ideological current such as Steve Sailer’s HBD blog, the anti-immigration web publication VDARE, and the current center of “race realism”: American Renaissance.

When you cut through their ironic abstractions, what they are indicating is class rather than ideology.  They are noting that the Alt Right has a more middle-class and educated character, not that they do not hold the ideological foundations that have always driven neo-fascist movements.  The assumption here is that skinheads and KKK members lack a strong ideological foundation, yet there has always been an intellectual side to the far-right.  Oswald Spengler’s anti-Semitic racial nationalism has been key for decades, and Julius Evola has become the defining far-right philosopher both for intellectual Pagan racists and for street-level skinheads.  His work was key to the violent right-wing terrorism of people like Ordine Nuovo or contemporary Ultra movements in Rome, and his alleged “anti-fascism” only came from his view that fascism needed to move further to the right to install an aristocratic racialist society built on authority, hierarchy, and violence.  The assumptions implicit in Breitbart’s article is that the criticisms of fascism today come from its association with “lone wolf” violence rather than the possibility of a violent political theology of enforce inequality, which misses a thorough understanding of the diversity and history of fascism since its interwar inception.

Milo does something useful in this place, however, in that he rightly identifies the more web-board intellectual Neoreactionary movement(NRx), the HBD networks, and the manosphere as part of this broad “Alt Right.”  As much as these movements want to self-identify with their own “unique” ideology, especially the culture of Men’s Rights Activism and “game” blogs, they are a part of the anti-egalitarian Alt Right current that essentializes biology and roots for the oppressor.

What they spend a great deal of time on is this notion of “Natural Conservatives,” which is the position they seem to agree with the most (This is not actually a popular idea used on the far-right.).  This comes from the idea that some people are just built for conservatism in some kind of bio-psychological way (R-K Selection Theory may be the best example of this).  Much of this rhetoric comes in pieces from the Alt Right, who are attempting to draw out some kind of scientific framework to argue that different views are driven by biological difference.  This logic has an insidious underpinning as it is intended to be an “essentialist” view of behavior and nature as coming from the body rather than from environment.  In this way they can argue that there are essential racial, gender, and regional biological differences that influence ideology, and therefore the defining character of a society is demographic rather than its ideas.  This is why they can then argue that “Western” society is going to fall apart because it is now less-white, which means it has few of the people from which its character was developed from.  This logic has been echoed, however discreetly, in the work of establishment conservatives like Charles Murray, whose The Bell Curve took on the notion that IQ was biologically fixed and determined your level of socio-economic success.

They co-opt the notion from social psychologist Jonathan Haidt that there is “an instinct keenly felt by a huge watche of the political population: the conservative instinct.”

The conservative instinct, as described by Haidt, includes a preference for homogeneity over diversity, for stability over change, and for hierarchy and order over radical egalitarianism. Their instinctive wariness of the foreign and the unfamiliar is an instinct that we all share – an evolutionary safeguard against excessive, potentially perilous curiosity – but natural conservatives feel it with more intensity. They instinctively prefer familiar societies, familiar norms, and familiar institutions.

It should be noted that Haidt is an incredibly marginal voice, and this notion of biologically driven conservatism is not actually held by most of the psychological scientific community.

The prime purpose here is for Breitbart to go on through what are essentially nativist, nationalist, and racialist behaviors and explain them as being “natural and normal,” the kind of talking point that the Alt Right usually uses to explain itself.

The alt-right do not hold a utopian view of the human condition: just as they are inclined to prioritise the interests of their tribe, they recognise that other groups – Mexicans, African-Americans or Muslims – are likely to do the same. As communities become comprised of different peoples, the culture and politics of those communities become an expression of their constituent peoples.

You’ll often encounter doomsday rhetoric in alt-right online communities: that’s because many of them instinctively feel that once large enough and ethnically distinct enough groups are brought together, they will inevitably come to blows. In short, they doubt that full “integration” is ever possible. If it is, it won’t be successful in the “kumbaya” sense. Border walls are a much safer option.

The alt-right’s intellectuals would also argue that culture is inseparable from race. The alt-right believe that some degree of separation between peoples is necessary for a culture to be preserved. A Mosque next to an English street full of houses bearing the flag of St. George, according to alt-righters, is neither an English street nor a Muslim street — separation is necessary for distinctiveness.

Here they are not proving that the Alt Right has been mischaracterized, but instead attempting to say that their logic is sound and respectable even if it is not always shared amongst establishment types.  They want to allege that these talking points are fundamentally different from those of the neo-Nazi crowd, but they are almost completely synonymous with what people like David Duke, Tom Metzger, or the National Socialist Movement will say publicly.  The “suit and tie” rhetoric has dominated amongst racist groups for decades, and the only difference between the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and the Alt Right’s “identitarianism” is vocabulary, not ideology.

What has led to many in the Alt Right actually denouncing this article is actually the starkest problem with it from the anti-fascist left-wing point of view as well.  In the section titled “The Meme Team,” they go into the Twitter troll phenomenon, lead by The Right Stuff, along with the offensive memes that call conventional conservatives “Cucks,” deny and mock the Holocaust, and are cruelly racist.  Bokhari and Yiannopoulos allege that the people behind this wing of the movement essentially do not believe what they are saying, but instead are libertarians attempting to offend people and behave as iconoclasts.  There is no evidence of this and instead the vocal centers of this wing of the Alt Right have been incredibly clear about their resurrection of conventional angry anti-Semitism, their belief that non-whites are subhuman “mud” races, and that we literally need a fascist revolution.  To deny the reality of “the meme team” is to be purposely blind, which seems partially the ironic way that many in the hipster side of Breitbart see the Alt Right.  Bokhari comes from a middle-eastern ethnic origin and Yiannopoulos is openly gay, two things that make them openly targets of ridicule from the same people they are venerating here.  Yiannopoulos has even used the term Alt Right to describe himself, yet he seems to lack a clear understanding of the actual depth and intensity of its fascist politic.

The Daily Shoah picked up on this dynamic almost immediately, thinking that instead of simply getting the meme section dead wrong, Yiannopoulos actually is trying to make the Alt Right more palatable to his editors and audience.

He might be saying that in order to get it through an editor and make his own relative acceptance of the Alt Right acceptable and keep his job.  He could really think it.  He could be fooling himself, I don’t know.  But I think that there’s a tactical presentation going on there.

In a strange way, it is his own disbelief in the Alt Right (at least in its entirety) that has led to the fetishization of it.  In a recent episode of the Right Stuff podcast Fash the Nation, which is meant to mainly cover Trump’s political battles, they had on one of the founders of the infamous “Coon Town” Reddit channel.  There they had such classic sub-Reddits like “N*****s Dying” where people posted videos of black men being murdered or executed to the glee of the commentators.  Generally, it was the most extreme edges of guttural racism, where black people were openly called degenerate animals, slavery was celebrated, genocide was discussed with a certain admiration, and it marked the hallmark of insipid internet bigotry.  The hosts of Fash the Nation, including the aptly named Marcus Halberstram, joked with and complimented the guest, who was going by the pseudonym of GreatApeNiggy.  On this episode they casually talked about how people of color have innately lower IQs and were degenerate “jungle people,” how Jews are secretly destroying the West through race mixing, how LGBTQ people were filthy AIDs receptacles, and that some form of nationalist fascism was the answer.  Their language, which included open racial slurs, was politically and rhetorically more extreme than most neo-Nazis and KKK members of today.  For Breitbart, who knows full well that Fash the Nation and the Right Stuff is a signature part of the Alt Right since they linked to their blog, to say that they are somehow ideologically removed from the neo-Nazi revolutionary white supremacist crowd is for them to engage in intentional self-deception.

Yiannopoulos has defended the Alt Right before, going on Dave Rubin’s podcast to show allegiance to the Alt Right and protect it against allegations of anti-Semitism (Sort of.).

Generation Trump, the alt right people, the people who like me, they’re not anti-Semites. They don’t care about Jews. I mean, they may have some assumptions about things, how the Jews run everything; well, we do. How the Jews run the banks; well, we do. How the Jews run the media; well, we do. They’re right about all that stuff…It’s a fact, this is not in debate. It’s a statistical fact….Jews are vastly disproportionately represented in all of these professions. It’s just a fact. It’s not anti-Semitic to point out statistics….The anti-Semitism on the internet, which is really important, I want people to understand this because nobody seems to, when Jonah Goldberg of National Review is bombarded with these memes, and anti-Semitic “take a hike, kike” stuff, it’s not because there’s a spontaneous outpouring of anti-Semitism from 22-year-olds in this country. What it is is it’s a mischievous, dissident, trolly generation who do it because it gets a reaction. Right? That’s been the case for young people for generations….They can get to people in positions of power, and people in positions of power and keep biting, they keep taking the bait….It’s a direct response to the language policing, it’s a direct response to being told they can’t say things.

They go on to mock, as the Alt Righters do, the “1488” crowd, which essentially means those that use Hitler iconography unironically.  This would make up essentially the “old guard” of racist organizing, the pre-AmRen network of Christian Identity followers, Klansman, and the like who are too wrapped up in figures of the past.  They quote RamZPaul in making fun of them, yet he is really the tip of the iceberg.  The Daily Shoah has made that a staple of their program, where they ask listeners to donate $14.88, a tongue in cheek reference.  Yiannopoulos uses this disregard for that wing of the white nationalist movement as a sign that they are not ideologically similar, but that misses the thing that they actually admonish the neo-Nazis for.  Instead of decrying their genocidal racism and anti-Semitism, it is the “LARPing” that they find ridiculous.  As the Daily Shoah and the Neoreactionary Ascending the Tower have often said, they support the 14 from the “1488.”  This refers to the 14-word line by Order member David Lane, “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”  The 88 refers to HH, Heil Hitler, which they see as being too focused on the past.  It is not so much that they reject Hitler as a political ideologue, some do and some don’t, but it is the useless political role-playing that they are attacking when rejecting the “1488.”  They certainly do not seem to support the seemingly random violence as well, they regularly laud those who attack refugee centers, but that is not the foundation of their break from the past.  Instead, it has a much more classed component, where they simply see the “low class” neo-Nazis and KKK members not living up to their own high-brow version of fascist racism.

The Daily Shoah picked up on Yiannopoulos’ claims about the unseriousness of the meme culture immediately, calling him a “flaming, Jewish f****t.”  Mike Enoch said that he has had private message conversations with him on Twitter, though he did not know that he was actually the host of the Daily Shoah at the time.  This section of the article was roundly insulted as absurd, and Breitbart itself mocked thoroughly, even though they generally thought it was a fine representation of their movement and were happy to have the coverage.  Fash the Nation also mentioned it, saying that it was a sign that the term Alt Right was starting to be well known and that their views were a semi-respectable part of acceptable discourse.

There certainly was an anger coming from some of the annals of the Alt Right, with the Daily Stormer being the best example.  Andrew Anglin, the voice behind the Stormer, is sort of the meeting point between the “1488 crowd” and the rest of the Alt Right.  His work is more in line with the Right Stuff, but he also has offloaded his work to places like Radio Aryan, which is better known for reviving neo-Nazi speeches by people like the National Alliance founder William Pierce.  Anglin’s article about Breitbart’s treatment, titled “Breitbart’s Alt Right Analysis is the Product of a Degenerate Homosexual and an Ethnic Mongrel.”  He notes immediately that one of the authors(Bokhari) is “half Paki,” and that Yiannopoulos is both Jewish and gay.  Anglin is likely correct in his main allegation against Brietbart: they are coopting the energy of the Alt Right.  His main points of contention here are that they do not give the Daily Stormer the due he feels is deserved, and, second, they don’t talk about the Jews.

Anglin continues his regular diatribes, calling the Bosnian genocide a joke and the authors cucks.  He goes through the article almost paragraph by paragraph with a Live-Tweet transcript of self-indulgence, something the Daily Stormer does in its tired frenzy to stay relevant among its angry racist subculture.  He also picks up that seem to think that the Alt Right is actually queer and Jewish friendly, and that the jokes are, well, just jokes.

Well, let me go ahead and explain something which the authors of this piece are already aware of: the people who invite homos and Pakis to their conferences are a totally separate group than the people who are joking about the Holocaust. As I said above, what this article attempts to do is force the entire alt-right movement under the banner of a tiny minority who no one actually cares about and who get virtually zero traffic on their pro-Jew, pro-homo websites.

This article attempts to create confusion where there isn’t any.

Also, I don’t know what a non-satirical Holocaust joke would look like, exactly, but no one who jokes about the Holocaust believes it actually happened.


The reception to the Breitbart piece from the mainstream press has been mixed, with places like Daily Wire taking a sort of “respectful disagreement” stance.  They note that the Alt Right gives “cover to actual anti-Semites and racists.”  This in and of itself still plays into Breitbart’s point, which is that the Alt Right is not just openly the newest branding of neo-fascism.  The Alt Right provides no cover: it is what racists, anti-Semites, misogynists, and neo-fascist are today.  Milo has stated publicly that the Alt Right and the Trump phenomenon are direct responses to the left, in that the anti-PC nature of it is for show and a response to allegations of racism.  This is the voice of someone who either cannot simply believe the level of racism he is associating with, or who thinks that he can use ironic ugliness to slide nationalism into the internet substream.

“There’s no hatefulness, racism, sexism, homophobia left in this country,” Milo said in a televised discussion with Dave Rubin.  This came directly after saying that many stereotypes turn out to by right before shifting into the idea that differences and prejudices may exist yet should be tolerated as long as they were not violent or intrusive.  This is not only a grade-school attempt at analyzing social structures, but it is a G-rated version of the “identitarianism” peddled by most of the Alt Right.  Milo has clearly been walking this line for some time now, coming to prominence first for siding with the Men’s Rights Activists during the “Gamergate” non-controversy.

It may end up being unfair to single Milo and his co-author out since it is Breitbart at large that has been a crossover point for the far-right, at least in terms of racialism, immigration restriction, homophobia, and rape apologism.

The relationship between the Alt Right and Breitbart has not always been an easy one, however.  Richard Spencer, the person who coined the term Alternative Right and now runs the National Policy Institute and the Radix Journal, covered the firing of John Derbyshire from the National Review heavily in 2012.  Derbyshire was let go after a column he wrote for Taki’s Magazine was released called The Talk: The Non-Black Version.  The article was a sort-of parody of the talk that many black families have to have with their sons to explain racial targeting by the police.  Derbyshire’s family talk, on the other hand, was to warn his children to stay away from black people.  Shortly after his firing, and before he spoke at the American Renaissance conference that year, he was roundly denounced by publications around the country.  Breitbart was vicious in their condemnation, but, as Spencer pointed out, Breitbart is part of a new conservative media that based their entire existence on subliminal race-baiting.

Glenn Beck and the late Andrew Breitbart are (and were) Grand Mastersof(sic) the race-baiting game. Breitbart rose to national awareness publishing videos of James O’Keefe, dressed as a ‘70s Black pimp, entering a Black-run ACORN office in search of government funding for his “ho.” Breitbart later warned conservatives of the dangers of Black Nationalists in the Department of Agriculture. His posthumous coup (which ultimately fell flat) was to hint that the President himself isn’t what he seems . . . . He’s no liberal backed by Wall Street, no; he’s a closet Black Nationalist!

The Blaze and Breitbart (Beck’s and Breitbart’s answers to the Huffington Post) have filled their webpages with salacious stories of various flash-mob attacks and general Black misbehavior. As I write (Sunday, April 8), the top story on The Blaze is about the New Black Panther Party’s call for a “race war.” On the same night that Breitbart declared John Derbyshire to be a non-person for talking about the dangers of Blacks, its best-read story was one on a unsuspecting White Man who ventured into Black Baltimore and was attacked and stripped of all clothes and possession by a feral gang.

When Andrew Breitbart explicitly talked about his political philosophy, one got the impression that it was some kind of universalistic libertarianism; Beck outdid him in genuflecting to the myth of Martin Luther King. But what they sold to their readers is quite different. It was never about race, but about “principles” and “fair play.”

Breitbart and Glenn Beck have made white tensions the foundation of their popularity, playing the populist game on a direct route to Donald Trump.  Breitbart columnists have made names for themselves trying to attack liberals, publicly using “dog whistle” racial language, and trying their best to instill fears of demographic replacement and non-white crime in aging Caucasian Baby Boomers.

The animosity between the Alt Right and Breitbart slowly dissipated, and by 2015 there began to be a certain amount of cross-over in the same way that Rush Limbaugh and Anne Coulter have had tacit flirtations with the movement as well.  The #Cuckservative meme was the beginning of major topical crossovers, with Breitbart reporters using the phrase popularized by the Right Stuff and Twitter personalities like Ricky Vaughn to describe Beltway conservatives they felt were making poor immigration choices.  In “’Cuckservative’ is a Gloriously Effective Insult That Should Not Be Slurred, Demonised, or Ridiculed,” Milo Yiannopoulos had already defended the 4Chan white nationalist community by bringing Breitbart to their side unequivocally.

But we don’t cry “racist” whenever someone says any of these words. That would be stupid. That would be playing the sort of dumb, disingenuous game that liberal race-baiters do. Right?

Thus, “cuckservative” can mean many things. It could mean conservatives who are afraid of social exclusion and kowtow to the liberal media establishment. It could mean conservatives who play the left’s game of identity politics, accusing their internal opponents, such as Donald Trump, of being racist or sexist or rapey for spurious or opportunistic reasons.

This support moved to their “edgy” backing of Donald Trump, though they still have a coin in the race for Ted Cruz.  People like Milo seem to have a strong voice inside of Breitbart’s political presence, where he is seen as the hip new face of conservatism.  This may be why they will continue to allow him to use their popularity as a gateway for white nationalism since they generally see this as just another “young” political phenomenon they do not understand.  Best trust Milo on this one.

Their focus on racism may only have intensified in the last year as they really are carrying on Andrew Breitbart’s effort to bait the left.  In articles like “Racism: ‘White Men Must be Stopped’ Says Salon Magazine,” they attempt to undermine real reporting on issues of racism so as to take out the legs of an effective anti-racist movement.  In the above mentioned article, Lee Stranahan goes almost line by line through a Salon article, tries to minimize how cruel chattel slavery was, and cherry-picks evidence to make slavery in America nothing too “unique.”  In a world where, as they accuse, mainstream conservatives are continuing to slide away from open racism, Breitbart and its constituency are doubling down (And if you view Breitbart’s comments section, that might be tripling down.).

Milo may not be making the kind of friends he hoped he had, but the Alt Right is happy for the continued exposure.  The far-right needs stop over points so that they can manipulate the moments of populism that the GOP can still muster.  Donald Trump is mainstreaming their views, and Breitbart, among others, is actually giving their name a bit of credibility among the fragmenting parts of the disheveled Republican Party.  Breitbart is one of the devices that conservatives are looking to rebrand and identify themselves now that the conservative movement invented by William Buckley as a Cold War tool is dead, a mantle also being taken up by places like Reason Magazine and other libertarian vessels.  The moment when it seemed clear that the libertarians were going to hold the keys for the future of conservatism is over, as can be see very obviously by the fate of people like Rand Paul.  Now it seems that nationalism is the key to winning the populist wave, something that could not have been predicted to cross over in this way before Trump turned off-the-cuff racism into a winning strategy.

Milo is attempting to recruit this racism, put it in skinny jeans, and make it the outlier constituency of the Breitbart defined American conservative.  It will likely not take place the way he is hoping, but it can easily be a tool to recruit and further build the white nationalist movement that is seeing a new kind of Renaissance.  In this way, it is important to identify exactly what they are doing and saying, and to make Breitbart accountable for being a mouthpiece of the far right.  They enjoy the battle with the liberal left, but what about the actual radical left?

When it comes to the recent Chicago shut down of Donald Trump and the growing Antifa presence, there are some avenues to show Breitbart that their snarky racism can be shut down.  Real fast.









Bank Blocked: The Daily Shoah Gets Banned on PayPal


Using their own language, they got “ovened” and “Shoa’d,” which speaks to exactly the offensive self-importance that got them removed.  Just a few months after being dropped from their podcast hosting at Soundcloud, The Right Stuff and the Daily Shoah just got dropped from PayPal.  On every single show they read out PayPal donations that sum into the several hundred a week.  This seems to be their primary area of funding and besides this they accept Bitcoin, which they had been encouraging some of these payments because their new hosting service actually does take this crypto-currency.

Now they are giving their racist fan base two primary options, with the one available today being Bitcoin.  This is going to be a near impossibility as Bitcoin is becoming increasingly irrelevant and unused by most people, primarily because of its difficulty of acquisition and its unstable exchange rate.  They are discussing using private PayPal accounts for known donators, but it is not going to allow them to take general public donations because they rabidly hide their identities.

This great “shuddering” is similar to what Richard Spencer of Radix Journal and the National Policy Institute spoke of in a recent video and on the Daily Shoah, in that this is a “new” type of censorship where monolithic private companies ban them and their ideas from doing business.  This is incredible overstep as the Daily Shoah looks like an incredible exception because of their language and coded references to violence.

They spent most of the beginning of the newest Daily Shoah, #75, laughing sadly about it and discussing alternative options.

This comes as they also announce that they are officially a corporation, with news just in from their attorney.  They had been working on efforts to incorporate so as to be able to write off expenses and accept donations without having their name attached.  Their fear is that anti-fascists would be able to look up their tax records and reveal their legal names, which could then get them fired from their jobs.  While they may rant and rave on their podcasts, they are actually very protective of their private lives.

This seems as though it will be an ongoing problem for the growing Right Stuff network of podcasts as they are battling to keep their digital facilities going.  The large influx of money has always helped, but this is going to be a huge bomb on their fundraising abilities.  This will likely slow down attempts to keep their process going more so than most others, and is further relegating them outside of public speech platforms.

iTunes, Soundcloud, and their forum hosting has all shaken them off at this point, and it is just a matter of time before even more public companies refuse to do business with their violent racism.  This “shuddering” is happening at the same time as the white nationalist podcasting renaissance, which means that the battle has largely been taken to these platforms in a way that anti-fascists have never seen before.  This is not the first time that PayPal has banned groups like these, with Andrew Anglin from The Daily Stormer and the National Youth Front(now in the process of changing its name) was kicked off as well.

This may give a new organizing angle for anti-fascists dealing with this new mill of white nationalist material, where this centralization gives constant pressure points for organizers.  At the same time, many of these services could likely ban anti-fascist and anarchist voices as well, so the implications are mixed.