Tag Archives: radix journal

Meet the Exterminationist Wing of the Alt Right Who is Open About Wanting to Kill Jews and Non-Whites

In a recent episode of The Daily Shoah, the most popular Alt Right podcast today, after ranting about the various problems of the day they followed through on their previous show’s promise to discuss the “white genocide” happening in South Africa. They brought on blogger and Alt Right “shitlord” Jayoh, who has also appeared on Neoreaction podcasts like Ascending the Tower. After ranting about how “n***ers ruin everything” for fifteen minutes, he finally leveled his real belief to the “problem of South Africa” and integration.

There is no version of segregation that will ever work because somebody will always use it as a cudgel against you…You can’t live around these people, you can’t have them in the next town over. Someone will always leverage them, or they will leverage you, or some way this shit will always fall apart. That’s why I get ragged on for being an unironic exterminationist, but until someone comes up with another solution that hasn’t historically failed, that’s where it stands.

The hosts then justify this discussion by saying that there is an ongoing race war, with the “blacks in South Africa” winning that war. Whites then need to step up and fight, competing with the opposing races for survival, wiping them out in the process.

“That’s how the conflict goes, one wins and one loses,” says co-host Seventh Son, also known as Sven.

The whole of colonialism and settlement and the whole of cultures colliding throughout history has been the history of everyone trying to wipe each other out. If it was two black tribes, if it was two Indian tribes, whoever it was. It was just that our people were better at it than everyone else. Well right now we’re losing, so its time to get back on the horse. The microcosm you can look at is Zimbabwe and South Africa.

“These people are animals. What do we have, 70 IQ for these people?” said Seventh Son, trying to keep up.  Jayoh goes on, upping the ante on his insults.

From tribe to tribe you can even see the marginal level of being extra retorted. They live like animals. Like, I use this term “jungle people” and that’s what I mean because they are basically fucking monkeys. They are speaking languages that only have 3-400 words… So the next question people ask is what do we do in the meantime, what do we do right now. So RaHoWa is not going to kick off tomorrow, it’s a bummer but it happens to be the case.

He goes on tangential rants about how Zulus have “muck muck” languages and that they destroy all functions of “civilization.”

The Right Stuff, the vulgar core of the aggressive white supremacy of the internet Alt Right, recently put out an infographic that essentially said that the Alt Right means white people just reclaiming their identity, the right to be around their own people, and to advocate for their own interests. This has always been coded language used by white nationalists to allow their real motivating factors, guttural rage towards Jews and non-whites, to become more palatable. The voice of Jayoh, though acknowledged by Mike Enoch as a more radical side in their movement, is not out of the mainstream for the Alt Right and they are considered a legitimate intellectual strain within their milieu.

In an article by “Prez Jeff Davis” published at The Right Stuff in December of 2016 called “Genocide: The Inescapable Conclusion,” the idea that genocide is inevitable between ethnic groups is presented. “Genocide is just a word invented by a Jew to demonize the Nazis.”

Genocide is just a word invented by a Jew to demonize the Nazis. As a Dixian-American, I feel no particular link to the Nazis, swastikas, Roman salutes, etc. I’m really pretty ambivalent on those things. Whatever. Jean-Marie Le Pen hit the nail on the head when he called the Jew/Gypsy genocide a detail of history. Ethnic cleansing is a universal part of world history. Nations have always had intermittent wars, wherein they killed their enemies. So what? The common pejorative use of the word genocide as something unthinkable is ignorance gone to seed as it elevates losing for your people as somehow morally superior to winning for your people. Meanwhile Jews don’t seem to show any remorse for genociding the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, Jebusites, or the Amalekites.

It is to our peril that we say “I respect nationalism for all peoples.” While we may sometimes be able to strike up treaties and mutually beneficial trade agreements, or the exchange of scholarly research, or a mutualistic white supremacy such as slavery, we must realize that in the big picture human races are indeed biological competitors, that human evolution is a giant tournament with immutable rules that we cannot cancel and in which elimination means racial extinction rather than just failure to win a trophy. There have always been and always will be eliminations. The only thing we have to decide is whether we want our race to continue to the next round at the expense of others or for other races to continue to the next round at the expense of our own. While it is possible some remnant populations may be retained for cheap labor or medical research, the pro-genocide stance is an inescapable conclusion on at least three different grounds.

This presents a break with the language of “Ethnopluralism” or “Ethnodifferentialism,” a conceptual rebranding of white nationalism that came by way of the French New Right and thinkers like Alain de Benoist. Conventionally, white nationalist and Alt Right language tries to argue for “nationalism for all people,” an idea that appropriates the arguments of post-colonialism to try and have their racism seem more palatable. This has always been coded language that does not change their underlying racial hatred, and as the Alt Right becomes more public, many segments of that movement are moving towards this openly genocidal argumentation.

Although deportations and international treaties may mitigate some of the issues listed above, none of them will be fully resolved without implementing the largest genocide the world has seen up to this point. It is my personal opinion that the biggest threat dindu nations pose to whites is through diseases and that peaceful deportations would do little to diminish that threat. I also think that with present trends, it is more likely that the next deadly pandemic will arise naturally from the 3rd world rather than engineered by the Islamic world, however the West’s penchant for affirmative action in education may just educate the right Muslim scientists for the job.

Genocide necessarily involves either suppression of fertility or active or passive killing, or some combination of methods. Passive killing might include the refusal to supply aid such as food or medical care, preferring to just let Nature run her course, or refusal to come to the rescue when brown tribes genocide each other. The passive method would cause greater suffering and would not finish the job, as there will always be a remnant population to rebound in time. Clearly, an active genocide using white man methods would be more humane than passively letting Nature or savage tribes to do a much sloppier and less complete job. In the same way that animal lovers cannot adopt and care for every stray, but must accept that many be euthanized or sterilized, so it must be with the lower races of humanity.

Extermination of the brown hordes in their homelands could give vast new territories to us. They are ours for the taking. Perhaps some readers wish they could have taken part in the US Homestead acts. Those days do not have to be gone forever. We could gain vast territories and give them away to settlers much like in the old days. We could even form new white countries, and settle much more territory than the entire continental US put together. In Africa, India,  and Latin America 100 or even 1,000 acre tracts could be given away to young homesteaders. Or perhaps our governments could just auction parcels of land or mineral rights instead of collecting taxes. It is up to us white men to agree on the justness of our cause, how the spoils will be divided among us, and to go out and conquer and settle like only white men can.

The entire website discusses ethnic cleansing in various capacities, with the bare minimum being the clearing out of all non-whites and Jews to make it safe for white people. This includes, on the more conservative side, the active removal of non-whites in a global “trail of tears,” shipping black people to Africa, and forcing First Nations people into borderland reservations. On the most radical wing it means industrial scale extermination that would make the Nazi Holocaust appear as the primitive wars of historical states.

Part of this reframing is to discuss all of history as a form of “Ethnic Struggle,” where the extermination of one group by another is just a standard part of biological evolution. Manifest Destiny is then celebrated as the result of the “brilliance of whites,” and the reason that they created global white supremacy is because of their supreme abilities.

In a March 2017 article at The Right Stuff, Padishah Emperor Julius Ebola wrote about the reclaiming of the historical right of global genocide.

The simple reality is that North America was settled as a vast lebensraum for the Aryan race. From the first adventurers and conquistadors who came to seek fortune to the second generation of settlers who pushed the frontier past the 50 mile coastal limit to the hordes of European immigrants who filled the clearings, it was a true folkwandering in the classical sense, but backed by distinctly modern military might.

Yet taught to denounce our own foundations as a people in denial of our Manifest Destiny, we too denounce that healthy expression of the race in other peoples. The harvest of virtue signaling is autogenocide, death by our own hand at the behest of our enemies. We are taught that organic expansion is always wrong. We are taught to die. How barbarous it is to live a society where having descendants is viewed as economic harm and as cruelty to “nature.”

The dual pressures of the frontier, that of expansion and of robust defense of new settlements, keeps a people healthy and oriented properly towards the future. Without the imposition of these pressures a race will become increasingly complacent and inert. Without contested space to expand over, having growth while hemmed into settled pseudo-utopian conditions leads to scale problems and a racial behavioral sink. Today this is literally shown by rising obesity and declining fertility, among other ailments. The only great struggle fought by today’s Aryan man which he knows not that he will live to see the end result of is paying his bills.

The rhetoric of the “Ethnostate” is that it will essentially be isolationist, not involving itself in world affairs and trying to keep to itself in racial harmony. In a march article also by the aforementioned Ebola, he outlines a look at what Ethnostate foreign policy would be, which is in direct opposition to the rhetoric of people like Jared Taylor and Richard Spencer.

Establishing a “White country” requires an international system to support it, or else it will be destroyed. That system is the Golden Axis. You may cry that this is “larping” and therefore implausible, pointless even, but at the very least this theory promotes a much more tenable and sustainable endgame than the hermit mindset of the altright’s so-called “ethnostate,” which is to build a gated community where one may die in peace. Aryan Revolution in one country can never succeed because revolution against the entire global System requires an expansive foreign policy, and that foreign policy must be supremacy in our hemisphere. Such ambitions ought thus to be our minimum agenda. From Alaska to Argentina our banner must fly, or it flies nowhere.

This again requires a genocidal procession through the Global South, in direct contradiction to the primary talking points that the Alt Right has used to gain even the modicum of legitimacy it has.

To justify this genocidal attitude they draw on racialist psychology, primarily the ideas presented by people like Kevin MacDonald and Arthur Jensen that people primarily have empathy for their own ethnic group.   Right Stuff commentator Adam Selene echoes this in his article “The Lie of Human Empathy,” where he mixes quotes from “Beyond Good and Evil” with justifications for rejecting connections with the suffering of non-whites.

The Daily Stormer has become one of the most popular Alt Right websites because it mixes neo-Nazi ideas with the snarky memedom of #AltRight. Its profanity-laden prose is known for open hatred of Jews and non-whites, openly advocating for their eventual extermination. Until recently, it was listed as the “#1 Pro-Genocide” website. Andrew Auernheimer, otherwise known as the hacker-troll Weev, also contributes to the Daily Stormer, and is blatant with his “old school” white supremacist language.

Weev has written a well-known article for My Posting Career called “I sing a song of race war” where he advocates a strategy for convincing whites of hardline white supremacist ideas. In the second “stage” of this strategy, which he calls Antagonize, he mentions how he outlines his real goal: the mass murder of non-whites.

Antagonize! Make flagrant references to a Day of the Rope, lynchings, mass murder. Push against any sense of propriety they have. Notice in the above conversation I am asked if I would hang Obama, and my answer is unequivocally yes. The speaker is looking a way to have their old worldview reconciled with the truth they are being confronted with. Don’t give them any room to cuck themselves. When asked questions like this, assert extremely strongly that yes, all nignogs and mongrels must be purged without exception.

He reaffirms this in a 2016 podcast episode of Counter Currents Radio, where he discusses it jovially with Greg Johnson. This is not that surprising given Weev’s other behavior, such as hacking college printers to print out flyers that are supportive of Norwegian mass-murderer Anders Brevik and another that shows a person shooting up a Jewish synagogue.

It might seem as though this is a new trend in the Alt Right, or one of a few renegade wings, but it goes back to their earliest days and intellectual core. Colin Liddell, who was a prime blogger for AlternativeRight.com that was created by Richard Spencer, was known for his controversial articles.  This included ones that questioned the history of the Holocaust, as well as bluntly put his belief that black people were barely better than animals. While Spencer was still the editor of the website, he published an article by Liddell called “Is Black Genocide Right?”

Instead of asking how we can make reparations for slavery, colonialism, and Apartheid or how we can equalize academic scores and incomes, we should instead be asking questions like, “Does human civilization actually need the Black race?” “Is Black genocide right?” and, if it is, “What would be the best and easiest way to dispose of them?” With starting points like this, wisdom is sure to flourish, enlightenment to dawn.

As we know, the world is becoming increasingly over-populated, while at the same time vital resources are being rapidly depleted. The world will be unable to support much of its future projected population growth. In fact we are probably heading for a great ‘die off’ in which hundreds of millions of our kind will cease to be.

With Europeans and some Asians having much less children, most of the population growth leading to this future crisis is projected to come from Africans. This is the race that history and the present example of South Africa proves is least able to take care of itself; a race that has contributed almost nothing to the pool of civilization and which even shows little inclination to stay within the bounds of that civilization; a race that also seems to harbor a potent inferiority complex and savage hatred towards the creators of that civilization.

This was not out of the norm for Liddell, who continued these racist tracts once he created the tandem New Alternative Right after Spencer pulled the original website away from him and shut it down entirely in favor of his newer Radix Journal.

Even when they do not advocate open extermination, they have worked to undermine the importance of genocide in the Western collective consciousness. Instead of seeing these crimes with the horror they deserve, they want to normalize them as a part of the human experience. This is where the real threat lies, as they will continue to downplay non-white suffering so as to slow down the erasure of white supremacy, a tool that will also lend them a leg up if they ever have the opportunity to play out their murderous fantasies. This is partially why the increase in Alt Right killings is happening, and what they have in store for the world if they ever were to be given power.

Never let their rhetoric go unchallenged, because it is founded on extreme violence. While these advocates are still a minority in the Alt Right, they are accepted and welcomed, a part of the “big tent” of racialism they advocate. Let’s remind people who the Alt Right really is, angry fascists bent on destruction of “the other.”

Let’s Watch as the Alt Right Implodes

Get some popcorn, because its time to watch the Alt Right implode.

After what some are jokingly calling “Hailgate,” where participants at the recent Alt Right/white nationalist National Policy Institute conference “Seig Heiling” as Richard Spencer yelled “Hail Trump, Hail our people, Hail Victory,” the Alt Right has begun to break apart under pressure and internal dissent.  The Atlantic had been working on a documentary on Spencer for their website and were allowed in the hall even after the official press conference was ended, though they were asked to blur out the faces of conference goers who did not agree to be filmed.  They then saw Spencer give a deeply racist and anti-Semitic speech, after which several people rose up in “jubiliation” and shoved their hand forward in a Roman Salute, cementing the reality of their movement as one of Nazis and white supremacists.

Since then, the anger has ensued.  Andrew Anglin, the mentally disturbed Nazi who runs the Daily Stormer, was also a bit angry because their were a few Jews in the audience, one of which was photographed the day before giving the Nazi salute with Richard Spencer.

I’m not even against throwing up Roman salutes at these conferences, and in fact find it hilarious. What I am against is having a Jew Ratface (and an Asian pornstar) as the face of the face of neo-Nazism.

If Spencer is now going to be a representative of the neo-Nazi agenda, he needs to tighten-up his ship. The last thing we need is the world believing that neo-Nazis are just a bunch of kikes and gooks.

Alt Lite personality Mike Cernovich was less forgiving and declared that Richard Spencer was “controlled opposition” sent likely by the government to infiltrate and destroy the Alt Right.  He then suggested that Spencer would lead in ATF agents and that there will be arrests and Ruby Ridge style events.  Paul Joseph Watson of Infowars agreed with Cernovich, basically saying that this is the end of the Alt Right since “radicals” like Spencer are ruining it for everyone else and continued to revel in conspiracies.  Vox Day, the Alt Right game designer and writer behind the Sad Puppies phenomenon at the Hugo Awards, also spoke out, decrying Spencer for what happened at the conference.

Video blogger and former NPI and American Renaissance conference speaker RamZPaul said that Spencer destroyed the image of the Alt Right with this behavior and he is now refusing to use the term to describe himself, instead now referring to himself as a “man of the right.”

Picking up on a long feud between the two, Greg Johnson of the Alt Right/white nationalist publishing house and blog Counter Currents did an essay and audio post stating that Spencer has destroyed the “Alt Right” brand.

Spencer has damaged the Alt Right brand — perhaps irreparably — by associating it with Nazism. The Alternative Right began as a particular brand, the name of Spencer’s webzine. But it quickly became a generic umbrella term encompassing a range of different alternatives to mainstream Republicans and conservatives.

But from its start, the Alternative Right webzine was an entryist tool for White Nationalists. It was a platform for outreach and conversion of people who are closer to the mainstream. It created a safe space where “normie” conservatives could encounter human biodiversity, ethnic nationalism, the Jewish question, paleomasculinity, etc. without having to adopt stigmatizing labels like “Nazism.” But after Spencer’s NPI speech, there is good reason to think that will no longer work.

Peter Brimelow, who spoke at the conference and has helped Spencer a great deal with the recent attention the Alt Right has received, also thought that it was “juvenile bravado” and refused to support the behavior.  F Roger Devlin, fellow speaker and often race realist and MRA writer, agreed with Brimelow and denounced the Nazi behavior.  Fellow speaker Matt Tait joined them and thought it was “undoing what is good about the Alt Right.”  Colin Liddell, the editor at the New Alternative Right and Richard Spencer’s former podcast co-host, agreed with Matt Tait and was not a fan of Spencer’s behavior.

This rejection of Spencer inside of the Alt Right happened at the same time as the media set him up for roasting as dozens of stories exposed him for what he is: a fascist.  Major news outlets around the country qualified him for exactly what he is, and he is now being refused the ability to lie about his perspective.  We continue to use the term Alt Right, but we qualify it as fascist and white supremacist, something that Spencer did not want.  This NPI behavior has now severed his ability to set the media’s agenda, which caused him to throw a tantrum.  He went on NewsOne to try and defend himself, and after he was unable he then took to insulting and insulting the host.  This has become his go-to since he is unable to maintain the appearance of respectability he desperately hoped for.

On Spencer’s side has been the Right Stuff and the Daily Shoah, where they basically ran extended spots on Mike Cernovich, calling him a cuck, a liar, and everything else.  Mike Enoch declared their former friend Vox Day persona non grata, and there has begun a war inside of their camp virulently attacking each other.  The cohesion of their movement is beginning to fall apart, and as the Trump camp continues to try and distance themselves from them they are losing everything else they had.

Richard Spencer did a recent video for Radix Journal where he basically admitted that Trump is not turning out the way that he wanted.  He is giving in to Neoconservative foreign policy, he is basically “maintaining the swamp” by empowering wealthy elites and lobbyists, and backseating all of his “reformist policies.”

What this needs on the anti-fascist end is to continue to put heavy pressure on every element of this movement, confronting them wherever they crop up and continuing to expose and marginalize their voices.  They were confronted very heavily at NPI, which inspired weeks of whining from them, and now they are threatening revenge.  We need to continue to build numbers and movements that have the ability to shut out fascist voices and defend communities, and bring safety and solidarity back into our multicultural neighborhoods.  Their movement is one of racial hate and violence, ours is to continue the egalitarian project of building a new world.

Why Is SoundCloud Supporting White Nationalist Podcasts?

In a recent episode of Fash the Nation, the most popular podcast on the Right Stuff Alt Right podcast network, hosts Jazz Hands McFeels and Marcus Halberstram joked with glee that their podcast had hit #1 on SoundCloud.  Though this may be shocking, it is actually only the top spot among conservative political podcasts, though this is still a frightening development.  Podcasting has been a central tool of Alt Right white nationalism, with early adopters like Richard Spencer of Radix Journal really making it a key point of outreach.  The model was further popularized by The Right Stuff, who took an “Opie and Anthony” styled talk show format with Alt Right themes, complete with their own Chan type jargon and aggressive use of racial slurs and incendiary rhetoric.

In recent months the content has been made obvious on many platforms, with the Radix Journal podcast and Red Ice Radio being dropped from iTunes and the Daily Shoah being let loose from SoundCloud.  This shuddering, however, seems to be short lived as the growing Right Stuff podcast network, of which the Daily Shoah is the flagship, has made SoundCloud a key broadcasting and outreach platform.

The Daily Shoah itself has found a way to get back onto SoundCloud by going under their radar, being aware that their name is likely what brought attention on them in the first place.  There are multiple streams and accounts at play for the various Right Stuff podcasts, including shows like the Weekly Narrative and the Darwin Digest.  The Daily Shoah is now included in their complete stream, just called TRS Radio, and streamed with the name “TDS” and then the episode number.  This is essentially a way to trick SoundCloud into allowing them to broadcast even though they have been banned.


Following the Right Stuff’s example, other fascist organizations are using SoundCloud to start their podcast outreach.  Nathan Damigo and Identity Europa are now broadcasting under the name On the Front, while there are also accounts for white supremacist troll Weev, the Radix Journal, the New Alternative Right, Red Ice Radio, Radio ThreeFourtheen, and many others.

SoundCloud has already shown that they are not going to tolerate openly racist podcasting on their platform, so it begs the question as to why it is continuing.  The primary reason is that the issue itself just has not been raised.  What this means is that anti-racists internationally need to contact them and let them know exactly what is going on here and what podcasts are broadcasting a message of hate.

Below we are including the contact information to report these podcasts to SoundCloud, as well as a list of open white nationalist Alt Right podcasts that are using SoundCloud to extend their reach of violence.  Write and call in and let them know that you do not support these voices of racial nationalism and reactionary force on SoundCloud!

Alt Right Podcasts

  • Fash the Nation
  • Radio ThreeFourteen
  • Radix Journal Podcast
  • Red Ice Radio
  • The Weekly Narrative
  • Radio Free Skyrim
  • TRS Radio
  • The New Alternative Right
  • WhiteHotTakes
  • The WaifView
  • One the Front
  • The Nation of One
  • Manifest Destiny
  • Rick Tyler for Congress
  • Kulturkampf
  • The Dingoes
  • NPI America
  • NewEuropeRadio
  • The Fatherland
  • Musonius Rufus
  • Nationalist Public Radio
  • RightOn Radio
  • Stefan Molyneaux


Contact SoundCloud to report the podcasts at: http://policyandsafety.help.soundcloud.com/customer/portal/articles/2155752-reporting-content

Here you can report the above podcasts for hate speech, which all of them openly violate.  TRS Radio especially violates this as they are broadcasting a podcast that was already banned explicitly.





Fash the Campus: Identity Europa, Millenial Recruitment, and the Berkeley Alt Right Safe Space

What was the purpose of having an Alt Right ‘Safe Space,’ other than to mock the idea that people need safe spaces sometimes?


When the idea was announced only a few days ago it seemed like an insulting media stunt, and it was, but it was also a strategic point for the growing Alt Right and its attempts to market racism and bigotry to Millenials. Richard Spencer of the Radix Journal and the National Policy Institute put together a video and a plan, to promote an outdoor meeting at the historic Sproul Plaza on the University of California and Berkeley campus. This was a place where 60s radicals joined together to confront the Vietnam War, and to build the Berkeley Free Speech movement. The point they were trying to make is that Berkeley is no longer a bastion of free speech because of the Political Correctness that has run rampant. Though this seems like the embarrassing overreach of angry children who are stomping their feet about no longer being able to say the N-word in public, what they are tapping into is a feeling in much of middle America of not understanding the new developments that have come in confronting interpersonal oppression.

Nathan Damigo, Identity Europa

The event was put together and manned primarily by Richard Spencer along with Nathan Damigo and Johnny Monoxide. Damigo is running the organization Identity Europa, whose name seems intended to conjure up the French organization Generation Identity that the American Alt Right often fawns over. That organization is built as a more radical alternative to the fascist Front National political party run by Marine Le Pen, which they think is too reformist and populist. Generation Identity has been pushing the “Identitarian” identification, which brings them somewhat in line with the fascist philosophy of the Nouvelle Droite movement and people like Alain de Benoit and Guillaume Faye.

Identity Europa began as the National Youth Front, but after a Christian group of the same name threatened to sue, Damigo changed it.  That organization went into disarray when Nathan’s co-founder,Angelo John Gage, left the organization in October.  When it was still the National Youth Front it had a back and forth relationship with the fascist and populist American Freedom Party, where they automatically registered NYF members with the AFP when they turned 35.  NYF hit more hurdles when their fundraising efforts were canceled by both GoFundMe and IndieGoGo for violating the terms of service, which comes from the fact that you can only strategically phrase things so much before the open racism becomes obvious.  The only real press that the NYF got on campuses was for trying to target professors at Arizona State University and Boston University for being “anti-white.”

Nathan is an example of the kind of middle ground that the Alt Right has always been on. Good looking, well spoken, dresses and combs his hair like a hip Banana Republic model; he is a good advertisement as he looks far from a Klansman (looks a lot like Richard, to be exact). He is an Iraq war veteran, but he is also a felon for a hate crime. Several years ago, after he returned from Iraq, he brutally attacked a Muslim man on the street, and robbed him. He went to prison for this, and, to be fair, is generally publicly apologetic for his behavior, but it actually reveals a driving set of perspectives that lie under his fashy hair. He has hoped that by being open about his conviction he would be spared of ridicule, but it is actually just provides more background about who he is and what has inspired his organizing program.

Though Identity Europa seems to be little more than his brainchild and attempt to coordinate with young people, they seem to attempt to be largely the same project that Youth for Western Civilization, the Traditionalist Youth Network/Workers Party, and the various White Student Unions are. They wish to make whiteness an identity battle, and present white advocacy as the same as Black and Latino rights organizations, including reaching out to communities of color to find “allies of color” who think that whites are being discriminated against on college campuses.

Johnny Monoxide
Johnny Monoxide at Burlingame Trump event.

Johnny Monoxide is another level of racism piled on, which may be a testament to the way that the Alt Right has been mainstreamed by gutter podcasts like the Daily Shoah. In fact, Richard Spencer had moved on from even using the term Alt Right and was simply referring to himself as an Identitarian in the French model, but after places like The Right Stuff started popularizing the phrase he returned to it. Monoxide is best known for hosting the short-lived podcast on the Right Stuff/Daily Shoah podcast network, The Current Year Tonight. This is a joke from the Daily Shoah lexicon referring to how liberals will respond to racism on social media by saying something like “racism, its 2016,” so now they will just respond by saying “it’s the current year.” Monoxide matches the angry racialism of Mike Enoch and Seventh Son, yet, unlike them, he shows his face in videos quite often. In a recent set of videos at the Burlingame, California Donald Trump appearance, he made a series of videos where he mocked protesters, using racial slurs and “calling the Jew ‘the Jew.’” He was interviewed and filmed heavily by Infowars, the conspiracy website that has taken a hard right turn and now spends most of their time mocking women and leftists.

Richard Spencer talking into the camera to the Red Ice Creations hosts.
Richard Spencer talking into the camera to the Red Ice Creations hosts.

The entire event was live streamed by Red Ice Radio, the white nationalist podcast network that has become one of the largest in their movement. From a semi-professional studio built in their living room, married team Lana and Henrik provided stunted commentary as Johnny Monoxide live streamed from what appeared to be his phone and was able to hear them in an earpiece. Monoxide doesn’t seem too worried about being found out in the world for his behavior because he is a union electrician in the Bay Area.  This doesn’t stop consequences from a counter-movement, but he is right that unions vessels of protecting their membership.

The event went as many expected it to go, including the organizers. Generally it was Spencer, Monoxide, and Damigo, and a couple of simple student protesters holding broad Alt Right sloganed signs as people came up and tried to argue with them. It was often an attempt to slip the group up on some kind of rhetoric, and a few Trump supporters, including students of color, came through to defend the group of racists. At one point, a loud man came through who obviously knew this was in progress and what it was. He identified Spencer as a “suit and tie Nazi” and called out Monoxide for being a union electrician. Spencer yelled back for the man to stop “whitesplaining” to the mostly non-white crowd, a move that he will likely be bringing up in speeches and podcasts for months with a self-congratulating smile.

While there were dozens of people that came through the square, none of them were necessarily set to argue the point because, as with most people, they were not trained to argue with a fascist whose entire purpose there is to bait you into an argument. Jack Donovan, a white nationalist allied male tribalist who rolls in these Alt Right circles, has a new book out calling Becoming a Barbarian. It is generally masculanist nonsense, yet one section has something that we thought was interesting to folks looking to confront fascism. Arguments, he says, are only between friends. There is no point in arguing with enemies since you have no stake in changing their mind. Let them have their ideas, and save disagreements between people that you really do want to find unity with.

We will never find political or social unity with Damigo and Spencer, and the arguments themselves end up being relatively politically useless. They want to get you to engage with them so they can hopefully have a chance to pontificate more rhetoric and then use very well planned verbal prose to try and sow doubt. Most people have not sat there and trained themselves to make arguments about race and IQ, to know the latest archeological evidence about pre-colonial Africa, to understand the nuance in race and crime statistics. Spencer knows this, and so he can use the very small amount of evidence he has to support his wild ideas and most people are not ready to combat it. In this case, he knows that getting people into the argument is a win. Most of the people in the square that day were strong voices that advocated for inclusivity and diversity. A conversation still should be had about what anti-fascists call the “no platform” approach, and why we should leave our arguments between comrades and those who are not open racists. While those people argued with them, Lana and Henrik mocked them on air, using racial language and laughing at each impassioned plea against racism.

Spencer and Damigo intended to use the Berkeley Alt Right Safe Space experiment to see if they were going to do this on other college campuses. Given the way that they discussed, promoted, and reflected on it, they likely will do this again.

This is not the last time that they will show up on campus, but a college anti-fascist movement can be equipped to handle their push when it returns.

Alt Right ‘Safe Space’ Public Meeting Happening at UC Berkeley on Friday, May 6th

Something strange is happening this afternoon at the University of California at Berkeley.

Recently, Richard Spencer of Radix Journal and the National Policy Institute put up one of his myopic videos where he stands in front of a digitally placed background and talks at the camera. Here he brought up the “rich history of free speech” that Berkeley has had, referencing the 1960s SDS culture that was allied with the “free speech” and anti-war movements.

He then said that Berkeley fails to live up to those standards because of “political correctness,” the notion that many on the Alt Right attempt to peddle meaning that the disallowal of open racism, heterosexism, and transphobia means an attack on open discourse and marginalized voices. The Alt Right has seen a near renaissance over the last year because of a couple of factors. First, the term, which was coined by Spencer to indicate a “big tent” that included all those far-right ideological people who rejected modernity, has broadened even past its original core and now indicates a neo-fascist hipster culture that centers itself on social media and web boards. Over the last year it has used these tools to edge into mainstream discourse, dropping memes like #Cuckservative into the right-wing edge of GOP talk radio. The second factor is Donald Trump, who has largely mainstreamed a lot of their narratives about Islam, women, and immigration, and who they have jumped behind universally in an effort to ride media coattails. This has largely been successful for them as their numbers have swelled, and they have created a subculture with its own heroes, philosophers, jargon, and meeting points.

They want to make Berkeley another one of these meeting points today at 3:00pm. In Spencer’s video they have declared that they will make an “Alt Right safe space” at the Sproul Plaza on the Berkeley campus. This play on words comes from the idea, again, that the white male is the new persecuted class, one that should be protected like all others. They attempt to mock the “safe space” concept, which they do not acknowledge comes from the fact that many who have experienced serious assault and trauma often need spaces where certain behaviors are avoided so they can contribute to activist work on an (somewhat)even playing field. If pressed, they will likely accept the realities of sexual assault and PTSD, yet they still like to undermine concepts like “safe spaces” in an effort to delegitimize the suffering of people they do not want to see gain power.

The gathering, which has been generally ill defined, seems to promise to have Spencer himself present, yet is likely to be targeted at youth contingents behind things like the vacant White Student Unions. Millenials seem to be the Alt Right’s bread and butter, and Spencer, who exceeds their age, has made them his prime target by lowering NPI’s conference cost and bending his own elitist mindset to Twitter hashtags and “fashy memes.”

Those associated with the Alt Right have already been using this Safe Space language, mentioning it doing their weird Boycott Racist Sam’s Club campaign.

Whatever the population actually consists of, whether it is young fascists or older pseudo-intellectuals trying to hide their ideas falsely behind youth faces, Alt Righters promise to be coming out at the Sproul Plaza at Berkeley at 3:00pm TODAY!

They hope to talk about Alt Right ideas like race, Trump, and immigration in their safe space, and this may be the first step for white nationalist students in the area to begin organizing on campus.

We are putting the information below if you want to join them and show them that their “Alt Right safe space” has no safety at Berkeley.

Sound of Violence: Fascists Are Now Broadcasting

by Brandon Berg

The capacity of popular media to affect social change is undeniable. One needn’t look further than the oft-cited correlation between the popularity of CBS’s Will and Grace and the country’s attitude toward gay rights for confirmation. The fact is, progressive writers in Hollywood and New York have, for decades, have been actively working towards the era of tolerance, not to mention organizers and activists. Recall the response of Richard Nixon, perhaps America’s most openly fascistic president, to the inclusion of a gay relationship in a 1970s-era episode of All in the Family, captured for posterity in one of his own secret recordings. The upshot of this has been the continued isolation felt by the fascists, racists and homophobes who can no longer find mainstream media content fitting their own perverse worldviews. A notable development in the last year undoubtedly connected to this reality has been the birth of an entire cottage industry producing gut-churning right-wing content for web-bound fascists.

Interestingly, it would seem that the main way in which this new phenomenon is expressed is through a whole plethora of podcasts available for free download. Virtually every large fascist site has some sort of audio content: Pseudo-intellectual “Radix Journal” produces a podcast seemingly dedicated entirely to film and cultural critique. Daily Stormer maintains a site with regularly scheduled broadcasts, unsubtly entitled “Radio Aryan” (which includes a rather suspicious looking “Aryan Bootlegs” section).  Counter-Currents Publishing does interviews with foreign fascist intellectuals, often attempting to create a more “high brow” appearance.  Anti-Fascist News has covered the increasing popularity of the crude “Daily Shoah” podcast produced by The Right Stuff.biz, and that same site has apparently enlarged their audio production immensely, now featuring numerous different podcasts with different hosts releasing each day of the week.

One might ask why exactly, in a world of Vlogs and easy video production, the fascistic right-wing has essentially reverted to 1930s era tactics of scheduled radio broadcasts to get their message out. It likely has to do with a desire for anonymity on the parts of both the producers and the listeners. Unlike a YouTube video, it’s very easy to conceal one’s identity if they can remain, for all intents and purposes, a disembodied voice. It is seemingly very common for the hosts of these podcasts to go by pseudonyms continuously, referring to each other by names that are either simply bizarre or blatantly offensive(everything from Mike Enoch to Reactionary Tree). It is also fairly clear that a downloaded .mp3 file offers a far greater chance to hide your disgusting, socially unacceptable views than a YouTube video of SS men marching to death metal. It can be listened to discretely on an iPod without the risk of anyone looking over their shoulder.

These factors have led to a renaissance in racist and fascist podcast production. As mentioned before, the racist blog The Right Stuff now has multiple podcasts releasing new episodes daily, all hosted on their Radio.therightstuff site. Many of them appear to be giving a regional perspective on news item of interest to racists. They have different podcasts featuring hosts from the American South, Scandinavia and Britain among others. These mainly consist of the various hosts bemoaning the increased tolerance and multiculturalism of their native lands, and calling, in vague terms, for the physical removal of Syrian refugees and other “undesirables”. Others seem to have more obscure and esoteric interests. “KulturKampf” (note the German fetishism) seems to exist solely to discuss Plato’s Republic. “The Fatherland” (there it is again) relates the experience of fascist fathers trying to raise their children in a world without a Hitlerjugend to enroll them in. One of their most recent additions in “Fash Course World History”, a show not related to the history of fashion but rather Fascism.  Here they spin common right-wing straw men, re-hashing historical events with a white nationalist perspective, often revealing that they lack even a basic understanding of most of Western history. At first listen the show sounds something like an NPR program, with the hosts speaking in the characteristic calm tone and without the Opie and Anthony-style drops and sound effects now a hallmark of other fascist podcasts. The half-dozen hosts, evidently academics seeking a form of expression for their own bigotry, then launch into a critique of Nietzschean ideology. They praise the controversial philosopher for introducing the ideals that would eventually contribute in some way to he rational for the holocaust, but attacking him for his “materialist” philosophy, evidently viewed among elements of the far-right as having damaged the theocratic power of religious institutions.

Though these people have little money, institutional support, credibility or recognition, it’s clear that they have both a growing number of covert participants and a lot of time on their hands. See a young white man on the subway with downcast eyes and headphones in his ears? He could well be listening approvingly to a podcast on the anti-Semitic pogroms of Imperial Russia. With this we are given tools to monitor how this movement has changed, how it is adapting to new conditions, and use this to develop an anti-fascist movement that is versatile enough to continue to dismantle any ground they gain.

The Shudder Effect: iTunes, Twitter, and Web Hosting Drop White Nationalists

The last couple of weeks have seen a surge of “removals” for white nationalist voices from various platforms, social networks, and hosting sites.  Part of this is perceived as special treatment of these voices on places like Twitter, which has now said that it will be changing its feed function to work on an algorithm similar to how Facebook functions.  Currently, Twitter just shows you the tweets in the order in which they appear.  Facebook, on the other hand, shows people things in their feed on an algorithm that is “intended” to show them things that they prefer.  This may or may not work, and as people running Facebook pages may note that it is hard to get people to view your content without paid advertisements.  Twitter has been more open, but many people assume that this new function may target certain voices.

While there is not evidence that white nationalists are the reason for the Twitter changes, or that their functional changes are intended to target them, they are putting two and two together since Twitter continues to ban them for abusive behavior.  Much of this comes from The Right Stuff crowd who enjoys “trolling” people, which basically consists of digital harassment.  This is their idea of political engagement since they think it will get their memes into the mainstream, and, with things like Cuckservative, they were right.  Their reach has not been much beyond that, and this abusive behavior has seen popular white nationalist Twitter accounts like Charles Johnson and Andrews Anglin deleted(which led to the silly #FreeAnglin hashtag).

The bigger news is that iTunes has sort of followed the example led by Soundcloud and has taken down the extended reach of The Right Stuff/The Daily Shoah and the Radix Journal Podcast.  Recently, Soundcloud dropped the Daily Shoah because of their violent racialism and slurs, forcing them first to Archive.org and then to another place to host their growing line of podcasts.  Now, iTunes disrupted the feed, making it impossible to find them through a regular search.  This caused a problem in their iTunes feed as their programs like Rebel Yell were mislabeled.  Richard Spencer created a video(and podcast that was distributed on iTunes, ironically), discussing how this “new digital censorship” could make them look as though they “simply don’t exist.”

The Daily Shoah saw a more direct type of interference beyond just their iTunes disruption as their famous forums got taken down by the hosting.  The forums are often the more exaggerated version of the podcast itself, it is where the fans use all manor of racial slurs and indulge in their self-referential jargon.  Here, they began discussing a woman who had been posting pictures of her two daughters with her two adopted black sons.  Of course, they immediately began discussing how this put the two girls at risk, that it was “sexually provocative,” and that she was exploiting them.  They then went on to harass and insult her on social media, insulting her sons and referring to them with some of the most disgusting racial language you could imagine.  She then went on social media and rounded up people who found this behavior appalling and had an email campaign to the hosting service to tell them about the violation of their terms of service, mainly that it was being used to organize racist attacks.  After filing all of these complaints, they eventually revoked TRS’s agreement and shut down the forums.

We have had our own relationship with the forums ourselves as we consistently find the website discussed there and often get boosts of traffic when they link to us(and it drives up our place in Google search results significantly.).  The forum content was always available through Google search results, something Mike Enoch tried to block yet was not very consistent with.  The new forums that they are in the process of creating promises to not be available through Google since they are using some very private, off-shore hosting(it sounds like some shady Bitcoin job).  We maintained forum accounts before, and we will on this new one as well.  Now they will be using “nginx,” but they are not quite up and ready to go yet.

While we applaud the efforts by every day people to challenge and shut down this racism, there is some potentials here that we are more dubious about.  If the voices can be completely shut down to them, our voices could be just as easily, so we need to keep this understanding in mind when developing strategy.  What is mainly getting them shut down is their vile racialism, something that is so roundly appalling that most platforms do not want to even take part.  Continuing to create a multi-faceted anti-racist movement, that both targets these types of voices and develops anti-racist perspectives in the culture are crucial.  If platforms become too responsive then there is potential for censorship on all fronts, so this should be taken serious when thinking about what methods should be used to achieve a “no platform” effect.  We stand with many places like Google becoming public utilities that are accountable to the people, both because it protects our voice, and it would actually leave the fascists up to some type of oversight.  They may decrease the ability to do simple platform pressure campaigns, but it could open up other avenues for counter organizing.


White Nationalists Pout After Trump Loses Iowa

The level of delusion that many on the racist right had developed about Trump’s candidacy has given the Iowa defeat significant .  This run was the largest crossover point they have had in decades, many using it as the launching pad for their growth.  The American Freedom Party funded robocalls in Iowa voiced by American Renaissance’s Jared Taylor, The Right Stuff’s Fash the Nation podcast was almost entirely dedicated to Trump, and Richard Spencer and the Radix Journal have made Trump their main course of content for months.

Now, with Ted Cruz sweeping Iowa and putting Trump in second(almost third), their vision has been shattered.  Richard Spencer put out a video almost immediately showing his own disappointment for Trump’s fate.  He was holding a small glass with two fingers of bourbon to quell his melancholy.

I certainly found myself with a sinking feeling about two hours in, or so, when thirty percent of the caucuses were reporting and he was down by three, or something, and I sensed a loss…I think, in a way, the election says something about Iowans.

In the video he also mentions that this may not mean anything and that there are a lot of situations where Iowa does not determine exactly who wins the election.  While this is certainly true in some cases, this shows the level of fantasy that they are willing to stick with when their golden boy is falling.  This is a bit ironic after a podcast he did with Paul Gottfried where he made fun of the delusional ideologues who thought that Mitt Romney had a chance against Obama’s re-election.

The Daily Stormer, whose vulgarity is putting them towards the top of the neo-fascist Google search results, posted an article titled “Take Heed, Brothers: We are Still in Charge,” where they again dove into the details of the primary race and spun the results in their favor.  They also worked in a few racial slurs and racist cartoons into their coverage.

Without the cuckold evangelical element, Cruz loses all appeal and becomes just a much less interesting and much less honest version of Donald Trump.

The lack of evangelicals also makes Magic Negro pointless.

In 2012, New Hampshire people really liked Ron Paul (he came in second), so probably Son of Paul will do better there, due to his empty libertarian rhetoric, spreading things out a bit.

The Daily Stormer really could not let it go and instead ran a story the next day suggesting that the polls in New Hampshire put Trump at 34%, above Ted Cruz’ 12%.  They again use this as an opportunity to attack Iowa for going with the Cuban.

Iowa obviously disappointed us all.

But we need to understand that polls were for a long time oscillating there between Cruz and Trump. Nothing has been lost here.

A few people got rustled jimmies when I yesterday made a bunch of mean-spirited jokes about Iowaians being village people, some feeling that I was insulting rural people.

Firstly, I won’t apologize for making fun of Iowaians. Regardless of the reasons behind it, voting for Ted Cruz is a betrayal of America. We are all angry about this, and making fun of these people is a way to let some of that anger out.

Along the same lines, The Right Stuff suggested that Iowa was the “most likely” to be corrupt with voter fraud.  They continued to note that Trump would probably win New Hampshire, which is politically backwards, as was their persistence that Trump was still the front runner.

Kevin McDonald, the former UC Long Beach professor who became the Karl Marx of anti-Semitism and adopted radical white nationalist positions, penned a piece for his pet website, The Occidental Observer.  As with his colleagues, he strained the limits of his understanding of big-party politics by trying to break down the poll numbers.

And sorry, I can’t take the Goldman Sachs-funded Cruz seriously even though he, like Trump, wants to keep Assad in power and, like Trump, is sounding quite patriotic on immigration—with a resounding endorsement coming from none other than Jeff Sessions — as well as trade policy. But his policies on immigration are a pale reflection of Trump’s, and I just can’t help feeling that this is opportunism — realizing that Trump’s populism has legs.  Trump is really angry about the status quo, whereas Cruz only brought up these issues after Trump put them in play. Trump means it and will do everything he can to bring about change. Hard to believe that Cruz will. And hard to believe that this Canadian-born, half-Cuban really has a strong emotional attachment to the traditional White majority of the US.

McDonald also thinks that Trump is headed to victory in New Hampshire, which is curious given the streak for free-market libertarians who have a problem with Trump’s proposed tariff system.

The anti-immigration website VDare, founded by former Forbes writer turned American Renaissance fellow Peter Brimelow, suggested that it was actually “dirty tricks” and voter fraud that robbed Trump of Iowa Caucuses.  They specifically cite Rubio’s surge, a fact that almost all of these groups deplore because of their hope that the GOP base could be mobilized as a white-racial interest group.

Several allegations of voter fraud are being reported in Iowa, especially on the Democratic side. There are reports of missing results and improper methods used to record votes.  But some Republicans also reported absolute chaos.

The bottom line is that the election system is a mess. When votes are this close, we really have no idea who actually won. And the idea that Microsoft has any role in reporting the vote tallies is completely insane.

The New Observer broke down the numbers into fractions of percentage points over different polls in an attempt to explain away the fact that Iowans simply did not prefer the racist.  They again think that Trump will triumph in New Hampshire and South Carolina.  The real enemy here is the Republican party, which apparently “controls” the caucus system in Iowa.

Party primaries in Iowa are run on the “caucus” system, where, instead of going to a polling booth, voters attend local private events run by the political parties to make their selections.

The caucuses are strictly controlled by the party organizations, and are thus heavily weighted in favor of the party machines, made up as they are by only the most involved, dedicated, and long-time party officials.

As a result, they tend not to reflect the very large number of disaffected white voters who have emerged from long periods of political inactivity or even total non-activity—precisely the voters who Trump has very largely appealed to.

This really does not explain how the GOP would alter the voting structure other than openly falsifying them, but its not like the far right is immune to conspiracy theory.

What happens in New Hampshire will be telling and if Trump again comes in almost third they will likely have a complex narrative for why this happened and how it actually reflects Trump’s white popularity.  Even though the electoral process is not a significant factor in anti-fascist strategy, it certainly signals that the Trump-train will no longer be a popular way that the Alt Right attempts to mainstream their views.


Hoods All Around: How The Daily Shoah Dumbed Down the Alt Right

On Friday, New Year’s Day, Richard Spencer posted a new episode of the Radix Journal Podcast.  The podcast has evolved over the years, starting as Vanguard Radio, a “radical traditionalist” podcast for his Alternative Right website.  He has since split from that brand, taken the helm of the National Policy Institute, and started the Radix Journal.  The podcast has often been conversations with people on the racist and neo-fascist right wing, often including pseudo-intellectuals, professors, and authors.  Here they have attempted to reclaim a right-wing academic avant garde, where he has had conversations with everyone in his movement from Matthew Heimbach to Paul Gottfried to Kevin McDonald.  Conversations often looked at things like race and IQ, the German Conservative Revolution, Julius Evola, male tribalism, the Republican party viewed from the right, contemporary theories of anti-semitism, and profiles of organizations like the League of the South and Youth for Western Civilization.  The niche that Spencer carved out for himself, and really built the Alternative Right around, was that he would be more thoughtful and philosophical than those nationalists better known for burning crosses and shaved heads.

At least, that used to be the case.

In this new episode, called Cuckservative Speaks, he labeled it “A famous Cuckservative and respected Beltway pundit pays a surprise visit to the 2015 NPI conference.”  Here Spencer makes one of the most profoundly embarrassing moves of his career where he attempts to do a funny mocking impression of a “Cuckservative” Republican, complete with awkward voices and dubbed in laughter and applause.  The podcast was essentially him dressing up in skinny jeans and trying to “hang with you youths,” which may reveal why he has become known for his “fashy” hair.

What Spencer is trying to capture here is clear, in his attempt at both style and rhetoric.

Since its first episode in August of 2014, The Right Stuff’s primary podcast, The Daily Shoah, has become one of the most popular white nationalist program on the internet.  It has done this by taking the themes and ideas of the Alternative Right, meaning a contemporary white nationalism and neo-fascist politic, and bringing it back down into the gutter where they can understand it.  Earlier in our tenure, we did a couple of articles about The Daily Shoah discussing how they reveal exactly what the “suit and tie fascists” of the Alt Right really are.  Since their inception they have added a half dozen other shows, all trying to one-up each other on how self-referential and offensive they can be.  Now they have moved beyond simply being the “straight talk” of the Alt Right as they force all of their “colleagues” to side with their own vulgar racial hate.

The Daily Shoah was billed as “Opie and Anthony for white nationalists,” yet it is mainly composed of skits and jokes that mock the holocaust, deride people of color as subhuman animals, and generally call for the abolition of equality, democracy, and compassion.  Their open use of racial slurs and over the top racial jokes was unequivocally opposed by people like Richard Spencer for years.  Spencer has openly said that these types of words are an affront to the movement, that they miss the point of an acceptable racial nationalism, and basically would make him look like a “jerk.”  Greg Johnson, the eccentric academic founder of Counter Currents has also said that he does not like this kind of racial humor, saying that it is vulgar and completely regressive.  Even RamZPaul, the racist YouTube sensation known for making nationalist comedy videos, has openly distanced himself away from “radicals” who use Nazi imagery.

Not only has all of these people now joined The Daily Shoah on different episodes, and in many cases invited hosts like Mike Enoch onto their own shows, but they laughed along and even joined in calling people “fa****s” and “Dindus.”


This participation is only one way that TRS has begun to show its dominance in the Alt Right-sphere, but their ideas, rhetoric, and language has begun to seep into all channels tuned to their racial arson.  Terms like “LARPing,” “Cuckservative,” “The Current Year,” “Wow, just wow,” have all become common place, with the Radix Journal continuing to use them as jokes and show titles, almost as though the agenda is being set by idiots at the back of the class.  This extended even into their 2015 National Policy Institute Conference, where those TRS in-jokes were the lowest common denominator for conference attendees.

In general, TRS has gained its popularity through very concerted internet trolling, using provocative hashtags to chase trending topics, and use insular jokes and internet culture as the barometer of actually “seeping into the culture.”  This has had a modicum of success, at least in terms of media coverage.  They broke through with the #Cuckservative meme, and then joined in with the #BoycottStarWars campaign that very unsuccessfully went after the movie because it included a black character.  Lately, they have become the Donald Trump fan-network, and use the #AltRight hashtag to connect the reactionary Trump campaign with their own “forward thinking” white nationalism.

It is less that that rest of the Alt Right is willing to have their brand dumbed down by the the Daily Shoah as much as they have begun to realize that this is the mindset most of their audience base actually has.  The image of the intellectual white nationalist who bases his ideas simply on identity rather than racial hatred and angry bigotry is a myth, one that was created by them only to appear to be on the vanguard of radical politics.  Instead, their movement is built on angry “men in basements” who define political participation and movement building as harassing Buzzfeed reporters on Twitter using false accounts.  The Daily Shoah itself reveals its lack of intellectual pedigree quickly, where the hosts often deny the existence of global warming and reduce complex political issues simply to the fact that one person in a story is Jewish(We are still perplexed how Jewish ancestry automatically leads them to politics you disagree with, or how the complete lack of Jewish consensus on politics affirms your narrative.).  Spencer has seen the writing on the wall very clearly and is jumping on it, allowing these ridiculous inside jokes define his message because he really believes that these angry message boards hold the roots of some “paradigm shift.”

For anti-fascists, The Daily Shoah presents one of the clearest opportunities to destroy the “identitarian” mirage by showing exactly what their message means when stripped of its Evolian wordplay.  While people like Spencer may rap philosophic about Heidegger, Mike Enoch says exactly what the white nationalist movement is built on, complete with calling war refugees “barbarian hordes.”  Their politics have always been disgusting, but at least now the pretense has been shaken off as, it turns out, they never needed it to attract their base.

White nationalism has desperately grasped at intellectual straws for the last several years, including creating an Alt Right with so many disparate strands that barely recognize one another.  Once the Right Stuff fades after Donald Trump’s campaign becomes a memory, people like Spencer and Greg Johnson will likely regroup and double back on their conference-circuit.  This, however, is tactical rather than essential as, no matter how they phrase it, their politics are as complicated as the hoods that came before them.


Voice and the Voiceless: What Does “No Platform” Mean in the Donald Trump Saturated Media?

The media loves a good scandal.  Hell, we do too.

Over the months, as the Donald Trump campaign has shifted from bumbling loudspeaker-style racist quips to copy-and-paste fascist political programs, the media response has moved from mockery, to horror, and, finally, to click-bait.  Trump’s campaign has rode this wave, which was a “shock/response” model, and the left-leaning media outlets that use a social media business model have been central to its ability to spread through the culture.  The “outrage machine” has been very real in that, from identifying a room full of Jewish Republicans as “deal makers” to banning and registering Muslims, his politics have only made their way up the ladder of offense and guttural bigotry.  The echo chamber, which has led his message and created the offense-racket that has made him popular with reactionary sectors of middle America, has been driven by this, and it has given his voice the kind of reach that he simply couldn’t have achieved with his own appearances and the standard political news machine.

Trump himself has created an entire media model of exploiting the disbelief in leftist coverage, but he has also been the gate-keeper to mainstreaming an entire narrative that has been developed over the last five years in the annals of web forums and news sites.  The Alternative Right, Neoreaction, Dark Enlightenment, and all the other variants of internet-focused and pseudo-academic neo-fascism has been developing a new language for speaking and “critiquing” society that breaks from the two sided coin of neo-Nazis and the Klan.  Now they return to race and IQ talking points, critiques of contemporary democracy, attacks on the idea of equality, rejection of modernity, and a range of other simple ideas repackaged in the aesthetics of Continental Philosophy.  Backed by the ideas of European New Right intellectuals, much of this resurrects previously fringe ideologues like Julius Evola or the Conservative Revolution, looking to build a strictly hierarchical society and the idea of ethnically defined societies.  This is not the posturing that Donald Trump has gained his popularity on, but it is much of the long-term vision that his seemingly casual comments have as their end game.  Just as there are “dog whistle” words that use economic rhetoric to signal racial tensions, neo-fascist supporters hope that his reactionary remarks are a “dog whistle” to an open fascist political program.

What the “Donald Trump phenomenon” has done, even more than just Trump himself, is to open the door to the voices of this reactionary movement in that they have a direct lineage between the two.  Buzzfeed began publicizing the use of “alt right” as a hashtag on Twitter, which has been used for years up to this point, giving extended interviews to people like Richard Spencer, RamZPaul, and Jared Taylor.  Rosie Gray, the Buzzfeed reporter who did the article on white nationalism and the Trump campaign, got pulled into an even more difficult situation when RamZPaul gave one condition to doing the interview: that he could film and broadcast it.  What resulted is another one of Paul’s well-known videos, this time where he talks to an understandably timid Gray over an iPhone speaker.  While Paul’s rhetoric in the video is confusing and rambling, it still gave him the perfect opportunity to actually draw some of the Buzzfeed crowd to an unedited piece of his own racial nationalist script.


Richard Spencer got extended time in Vice’s recent “We Asked a White Supremacist What He Thinks About Donald Trump,” which followed a similarly vapid premise as their “We Asked a Fascism Expert About Trump.”  Here, again, Spencer’s ideas were given an open platform, not because he is an expert on the Trump campaign, but simply because his politics have now become a relevant part of the discourse.  Spencer was additionally interviewed in the New York Times for an article that placed him alongside David Duke and Stormfront founder Don Black, which angered him enough to do a response on the Radix Journal website going through the references to him point by point and discussing how he was misrepresented.  This shows a particular character of these internet-focused racialists, who exist in word vomit where they constantly have to ramble at length and can never give up the last word.

These articles are small snippets of dozens of articles in recent months that have shown that white nationalists from David Duke to the Traditionalist Youth Network’s Matthew Heimbach.  When interviewed, all parties are allowed a platform to explain very clearly their key points, why we should support trump, and what kind of vision they hold.

The problematic nature of this coverage often comes directly from its intention to reveal something very real about the Trump phenomenon and its growing far-right affiliations.  What these articles are intending to show is that Trump is, first, associated with these types of characters and, by association, tarnish his name.  But this does not end up being a straight line since, as much of the neo-fascist rebranding has done purposefully, the alt right bloggers are often prepared to muddy the discussion so as to avoid conventional critiques of white supremacist politics.  Reports in places like Gawker and Alternet are then not prepared to counter them, instead simply offering them an open platform that they could never have dreamed of on their own sites.  The intended effect, for these people to hang themselves on their own words, is often ineffective.

The issue that liberal anti-racist activists often clash with radical anti-fascists over is free speech.  The liberal notion of free speech is to defend even the most vile and erroneous forms, which, in essence, the protections are there for.  Antifa organizers then have to propose a counter view, which is not to actually argue for state intervention to criminalize certain forms of speech, but instead to mobilize direct action to stop it cold.  The distinction here is based around the use of the state and whether or not empowering its infrastructure will have a long-term positive effect.  When the organs of political power shift they could very easily use the same rhetoric and repression used in hate speech laws against us on the radical left, and it is also less than appropriate to further empower a state that is designed to maintain capital and ruling class interests.  The “no platform” concept in Antifa organizing is to show the community’s resistance to all the methods by which fascist organizing attempts to gain a foothold.  The direct result of every racialist project is violence, inequality, and authoritarianism, either politically or socially, and therefore stopping it at the root is critical.  People are free to have any ideas they want, but we are also free to mobilize to stop violence and oppression from becoming an unstoppable wave in our community.

It is difficult, then, to figure out exactly what “no platform” will always mean.  An example of this difficulty is with someone like American Renaissance’s Jared Taylor.  Taylor has made a name for himself arguing points on the fringes of acceptable discourse, such as concepts like racial difference in IQ, racial disparity in crime, and the “inherent” problems and conflicts in multicultural diversity.  Taylor then uses any oppottunity, whether it is being brought by controversial student groups to campuses or going on liberal talk shows that use him as an oddity, to pitch his well choreographed lines.  His discourse is not meant to outline a clear point, it is to inspire doubt in the listeners.  People are generally not up on all the ways that race and IQ correlations have been disproven, or the very well documented explanations for racial disparity in the judicial system.  Taylor then uses this as a break through opportunity to then shift a small segment of the viewers into their whole world of “research,” explanations, and narratives.

This presents a conflict, which is often seen in how people respond to him.  One could be to simply ignore his work, refuse to debate or comment on it lest actually give it more exposure.  This has been successfully done in many Holocaust Denial situations, which is the pattern offered up by people like Deborah Lipstadt and in her book, Denying the Holocaust.  This is often the best course of action, but what if the ideas are already starting to spread because an effective counter to them has not been made?  This is often while people like Michael Shermer from Skeptic Magazine debated Mark Weber from the Holocaust denying Institute for Historical Review, or when anti-racist author Tim Wise has debated Jared Taylor on several instances.  The concept here is that the ideas actually are beginning to grow as the only available narrative is the one provided by the fascist right, and it is important to expose and disprove them.

The answer is actually situational, but if a “debate” or disproval of sorts is going to be in effect, the people have to be prepared to do it.  It is not that Jared Taylor is an expert on the sociology of race or intelligence and genetics, in fact he consistently embarrasses himself anytime he moves beyond platitudes to try and actually discuss these topics, but he is completely prepared to debate in sound bites.  This is really the entire front edge of the racialist movement, especially in the U.S., which means that those who are attempting to engage them as a means of attack have to be prepared to effectively counter their stylized argumentation.  Instead, Buzzfeed and related outlets, who clearly believe that exposure will generally lead to enlightened society expelling the Nazis, have not done due diligence and instead are providing them a platform completely open and uncontested.

The second real purpose, at least from an activist standpoint, would be to educate people about these movements and ideas so as to effectively understand and resist them.  This, again, has been a problem for reasons that parallel our own, yet miss the mark.  The conversations with Richard Spencer in the New York  Times, Vice, Buzzfeed, and CBS are especially telling examples of this.  He was allowed to put out points of propaganda, very attractive soundbites that are how he thinks people should first engage with his ideas.  They did not, however, actually deconstruct those ideas, provide much history, correctly correlate them to their more obvious neo-Nazi counterparts, and discuss what the real threat of them are.  This comes, partially, because they do not care what the details are because he is a racist and that is good enough.  On a certain level, we certainly agree.  Fascists of all stripes think that their specific narratives and sub-ideologies are incredibly important and unique.  In reality, to us and for our purposes, they are all really just branches of fascism, an ideology of nationalism, inequality, and anti-democracy.  The problem is, however, that we still have to understand them to effectively counter organize, and even to just have a better understanding of philosophy and politics.  In this way, we are provided with literally nothing by these articles, which instead provide a platform for fascist organizers while providing us no useful information and engaging in no concrete refutation.

Publicity of any sort can be useful to a fascist fringe, yet it can be on us to continue to create a strong counter narrative.  In a certain sense, Donald Trump has actually done this by boiling down the “alt right’s” pseudo-academic drivel to offensive racial sound bites.  Creating a strong counter-narrative is the real work that people on the radical left can do in this regard as the mainstream media can and will do what it knows and not what is best suited to anti-racist struggle.  This means confronting claims directly, continuing to be open about about the how and why of revolutionary projects, and shutting down public organizing and presence of the radical right in every available opportunity.

Trump and the Alt Right echo chamber provides us with a couple of opportunities, the primary one being the ability to counter organize and openly refute the outright lies.  If we cannot expect conventional media outlets to do this effectively, the torch is passed to us, though this can be done without providing any additional power to the voice of the racists.  The greatest weapon against their reactionary ideas of race and social divisions is to actually uproot white supremacy in our communities, and this is a project that goes far beyond the fascist framing.  As we grow anti-racist struggle, their voices will become angrier, yet we will continue to set the narrative agenda.  When Donald Trump makes claims about undocumented peoples, it provides an opportunity to undermine that false narrative and to organize a movement to stand with immigrant rights no matter who the opposition is.

When thinking further about “no platform,” the most important lesson to take into media and propaganda is to not let the racialist fringe set the conversation.  Anti-fascists around the world are growing alongside the opposition, and we can together make confronting racial oppression a priority and not just a response to the reactionaries.  Avoid sharing their lines, do not link to their blogs, block their Tweets, and generally make unavailable their rantings, while also confronting any of the lies and memes that they are successfully getting into the general culture.  It is by walking this line that we are able to undercut the only power they have while eliminating any crossover points they have.

The media is going to continue to use white nationalists as an oddity, but if we know how to approach these daily case studies we can use it to continue to silence and step over their violent impulses.