Tag Archives: identity europa

The Alt Right Has Taken the Public Step Towards Violence

For the Alt Right, branding has been everything.  The mission of people like Richard Spencer or groups like Identity Europa is to rebrand white nationalism as just another intellectual movement about identity, disconnected from the long and relevant history of violent white supremacist attacks.  With expensive conferences, snarky advertising, and coded language, they want to avoid the linkage with violence.

This is obviously a mirage since they have always been tied to the violent wing of the white nationalist movement since they are birthed right out of it, the same people in a new generation.  The Council of Conservative Citizens, while allying with Alt Right figures and talking points, has also been a meeting point for KKK members and inspired the violence of Dylan Roof.  American Renaissance is regularly attended by the Stormfront crowd and Aryan Nations members, and even inspired the Arizona shooting that left many dead and a congresswoman with a critical head wound.  In every one of these Alt Right organizations you will find a history of white supremacist violence, from Identity Europa’s Nathan Damigo’s conviction of a racially motivated assault to the neo-Nazis that make up much of Matthew Heimbach’s Traditionalist Workers Party.

As we saw on April 15th, the Alt Right has now shifted towards open assault and attacks on leftist protesters, uniting with militia movement members and more volatile parts of Trump’s base to create stirring confrontations in the streets.  Led in part by “Based Stickman” Kyle Chapman, they are forming corps of volunteers to being attacking opposition in public ways.

As the SPLC reported:

Kyle Chapman, a California activist arrested earlier this month in a clash in Berkeley between anti-fascist protesters and pro-Trump demonstrators, announced this week he is forming the Fraternal Order of Alt Knights (cleverly called “FOAK).

Chapman, who uses the Internet meme “Based Stick Man,” says his new militant, highly-masculine group will be the “tactical defensive arm” of the Proud Boys, another group that shows up at pro-Trump rallies looking to rumble with counter-protesters.

“We don’t fear the fight. We are the fight,” Chapman said in a recent social media post announcing FOAK’s formation.

“I’m proud to announce that my newly created Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights will be partnering with Proud Boys,” Chapman said, with the “full-approval” of its founder, Gavin McInnes.

McInnes is a co-founder of Vice (although he and the magazine severed ties 10 years ago) and more recently has been a frequent guest on FOX News and a contributor for the racist site VDARE where he denigrated Muslims and called Asian Americans “slopes” and “riceballs.”

Now described as a “neo-masculine reactionary,” McInnes calls his Proud Boys a “pro-West fraternal organization.”

Others describe it as the military arm of the Alt-Right.

And now there’s “FOAK,” which Chapman proudly describes as a “fraternal organization,” a Proud Boys affiliate chapter, “with its own bylaws, constitution, rituals and vetting processes.”

Although there initially aren’t any overt racist themes, the new Alt-Right group of street fighters sounds quite similar to a neo-Nazi “fight club” called the “DIY Division.”  Members of that white supremacist group showed up last month in Huntington Beach, California, mingling with an estimated 2,000 Trump supporters.

The Proud Boys reportedly have a four-step initiation process. It starts with a prospect declaring himself a “Proud Boy,” suiting up in Fred Perry polo shirts with yellow stripes—similar to those worn by skinheads.

The second degree is a “cereal beat-in” during which the new member is punched and beaten by current members until the plebe can rattle off the names of five cereals (you know, Corn Flakes, Rice Krispies, Cheerios!)

The third degree reported involves “adhering to the masturbation regimen and getting a tattoo,” blogger Will Sommer wrote in a recent post.

Since then, a fourth-degree has been added to the initiation ritual – brawling with antifascists at public rallies.

Chapman said his Proud Boys’ affiliate, Alt-Knights, are ready to take it to the streets.

“Our emphasis will be on street activism, preparation, defense and confrontation,” he said. “We will protect and defend our right wing brethren when the police and government fail to do so.”

Chapman says his organization “is for those that possess the Warrior Spirit.  The weak or timid need not apply.”

The willingness towards this violence was seen especially in Nathan Damigo’s brazen assault of a protester on camera on April 15th, one that has been used as a snapshot of the movement’s turn towards excessive violence.

Spencer himself has been calling for right-wing “defense squads” since he cannot go out in public without opposition, yet this seems to be a code for far-right violence.  This is something for the anti-fascist movement to consider, and especially when it comes to the necessity of community self-defense movements.  The reality of their violence is becoming explicit, and this could result in seemingly random acts of violence as they become increasingly desperate.

Milo is Coming Back to Berkeley, and He Plans on Occupying It

You might have thought that a full scale uprising and millions in damage, a canceled book contract, being exiled from Breitbart, and losing all political cache he had would be enough to shove Milo Yiannopoulos from view.  You would be wrong.  The power of privilege, of doing what you want even though others do not provide you a platform, has proven too attractive for Milo.  He is now planning to force his way back onto Berkeley, even though his tour was ended there just a couple of months ago.

On a recent Facebook post, Milo announced that he not only was going to return to Berkeley, he was going to stay for at least a week (possibly a month).

In light of recent controversies, I am planning a huge multi-day event called MILO’S FREE SPEECH WEEK in Berkeley later this year. We will hold talks and rallies and throw massive parties, all in the name of free expression and the First Amendment. All will be welcome, regardless of political affiliation.

Free speech has never been more under threat in America — especially at the supposed home of the free speech movement. I will bring activists, writers, artists, politicians, YouTubers, veterans and drag queens from across the ideological spectrum to lecture, march, and party.

MILO’S FREE SPEECH WEEK will include events on the UC Berkeley campus. We will stand united against the “progressive” Left. We will loudly reject the venomous hectoring and moral hypocrisy of social justice warriors. Free speech belongs to everyone — not just the spoilt brats of the academy.

During MILO’S FREE SPEECH WEEK, we will give out a new free speech prize — the Mario Savio Award — to the person we believe has done most to protect free expression at UC Berkeley and its surrounding area. Each day will be dedicated to a different enemy of free speech, including feminism, Black Lives Matter and Islam.

If UC Berkeley does not actively assist us in the planning and execution of this event, we will extend festivities to an entire month. We will establish a tent city on Sproul Plaza protesting the university’s total dereliction of its duty and encourage students at other universities to follow suit.

I intend to return Berkeley to its rightful place as the home of free speech — whether university administrators and violent far-left antifa thugs like it or not.

P.S., I will be releasing further details of my grand comeback tour in the coming few weeks, including information about a special CINCO DE MILO event on 5/5

The phrasing of it as “free speech week” is brilliant marketing, but nothing is further from the truth.  Milo was denied a platform at Berkeley because it was an opportunity to recruit for far-right projects like Identity Europa and he was planning on doxxing trans and undocumented students from the podium.  Their events are not about speech, they are about organizing, and the movements to defend against them are not cutting off their speech, they are simply not granting them free rein of their campus.

Milo’s decision comes after Anne Coulter was recently banned from speaking at Berkeley, a decision made after the administration saw what happened when Lauren Southern and her Alt Right cadre decided to hold their anti-immigrant, racialist rally in Berkeley and then proceed to attack students and counter-protesters.

What is great about Milo in this situation is that most of his right wing and Alt Right friends have abandoned him, and his profile is so high in anti-fascist circles that even a brief appearance will get shut down quickly.  That is, of course, only if an organized response happens, which, in Berkeley, is assured.

He is now promoting an event on May 5th, one that we should be watching for in Berkeley.

Be Aware: Fascist set to Mobilize on College Campuses April 23rd

White Supremacists under the banner of “The Alt-Right“, a term made popular by Richard Spencer, are attempting to recruit sympathetic student-body members of local college campuses by the use of flyers adorned with flashy graphics and hate rhetoric. They use images depicting their irrational fear that the “white race” is under attack and facing extinction. These flyering incidents do not seem to have been organized events, rather they have been carried out by a few emboldened racist idealogues sourcing their propaganda from Neo-Nazi websites promoting flyering actions.

There is now a nationwide mobilization scheduled for April 23 calling for a mass distribution of racist flyers that appears to be well organized and is being promoted by Neo-Nazi groups such as Identity Evropa, American Vanguard and their sympathizers who are broadcasting information and sharing propaganda flyers ready for printing. Based on recent attacks, it is believed by local organizations, at least in the mid Atlantic region, that college campuses such as George Washington University, Towson University, University of Maryland College Park as well as the Baltimore County campus are likely targets. White Supremacists plan to cover college campuses, community centers, and high traffic areas with racist, sexist, anti-Semitic and anti-immigrant posters and stickers (examples below). These hateful groups are operating on multiple chat sites to organize this event.

This planning is being monitored by multiple, diverse anti fascist groups including but not limited to Mid-Atlantic General Defense Committee of the IWW, Baltimore Antifascist Community Defense, One People’s Project, NCP and Anti Fascist Action. We are concerned about the members of hate groups using misinformation and propaganda to recruit and organize. It is necessary that the public is aware of the alt right’s “Day of the Flyer” as we have recently observed an increase in, not only racist and hateful propaganda but also hate related incidents, shootings and other attacks.

In the interest of community safety and defense, students and their school administrators should be vigilant and raise awareness prior to April 23 and during the morning hours after 2am. Campuses and surrounding communities should be on alert of this pending assault.

Contact for more information or concerns: baltimore.gdc.research@gmail.com

Identity Europa’s Nathan Damigo Punches Woman in the Face

The Battle for Berkeley on April 16th was a clash between the Alt Right and the growing anti-fascist movement that is uniting the left in response to the threat of white nationalism.  Helmed by Lauren Southern, the event brought in right-wingers, racists, militamen, and Alt Right ideologues together in the heart of Berkeley, California.  The confrontation became heated as fights opened out across the city, and Antifa took entire areas of town while the Alt Right terrorized locals.

Within that, Identity Europa, the youth-oriented Alt Right fraternal organization helmed by Nathan Damigo, was a major player.  Identity Europa has taken a lead in organizing on college campuses, especially at the University of California at Berkeley, where they have made connections with the College Republicans.  Damigo, who served several years in prison for a hate crime against a middle eastern cab driver, was further radicalized in prison and is now a right-hand man to people like Richard Spencer.

According to the video we are posting below (which is posted by what appears to be an Alt Righter), Nathan can be seen punching a woman in the face in a brutal assault.  Will he face charges for this?  The police were reportedly siding more often with the Alt Right on the ground, something not surprising given the history of the Golden State’s police force.  At an event with open neo-Nazis and white nationalists, it is no surprise that someone like Damigo felt he could just assault women without reprisal.

Richard Spencer Speaking at Auburn University on April 18th, Organized Resistance Forms

Richard Spencer has been trying to make the Alt Right a campus-based movement for a couple of years now.  There are a number of reasons for this, one of which is that they have seen growth from white male Millenials at state colleges in groups like Identity Europa.  Another is simply that state schools have a legal necessity to host people like Spencer, despite his ideology, as long as they can foot the bill.  This is what happened at the disaster of an appearance of Spencer last year at Texas A&M, where the three simultaneous protests were so large that it was akin to a football event.

Now Spencer is planning on speaking at Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama, living up to the promise he made that he would start a “danger zone” campus tour.  He had been raising money last year, but after he was attacked on the street several times, had his non-profit shut down by the IRS, and was roundly politically rejected, it seemed like this was a long-shot.  While this singular appearance is nowhere near what he was hoping to plan in the way of a “nationwide campus tour,” it is still a shocking turn of events. As he announced it, Spencer said, “If this event is anything like my other ones, it is going to be wild. So, I hope to see you there.”

Spencer gave the university $700 for use of James E. Foy Hall for his Tuesday night speech, and the university was forced to give it over to him because of the statutes.  There released a statement that read:

We strongly deplore his views, which run counter to those of this institution. While his event isn’t affiliated with the university, Auburn supports the Constitutional right to free speech. We encourage the campus community to respond to speech they find objectionable with their own views in civil discourse and to do so with respect and inclusion.

There were two protests immediately announced, including one starting at 6pm and ending at 9pm, coinciding with Spencer’s speech.  The Facebook page for this has since been taken down.  While liberal anti-fascist groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center have said that students should refrain from counter-protesting, large student blocks plan on confronting the event, as well as anti-fascist groups from the region, including Atlanta Antifa.  There will also be an event called “Hashing it Out,” which will address the threat presented by Spencer and the Alt Right during the event, for those who wish not to protest.

This is an important event to oppose publicly because it is the continuation of the only avenue of actual organizing and recruitment the Alt Right really has: college campuses.  This is not just an event for them to share their views, but an opportunity to organize and grow racialist organizations of the area, and for them to exploit the history of Jim Crow in the South.  Expect to see not only Alt Right figures and organizations like Identity Europa, but allso KKK and neo-Nazi groups as well.  Public opposition is the only thing that works, and that is why it will take a groundswell of numbers to cancel the event and set the standard that students will not allow their universities to be used to prop up white nationalism.

Alt Right “Free Speech Rally” In Berkeley on April 15th

The veil of “Free Speech” has always been a tool manipulated by the Alt Right, a way of them getting a platform to organize without objection.  If they were ever to take power, that right of Free Speech would be lost for all as they build an authoritarian Ethnostate.

April 15th will be a “Free Speech” rally in Berkeley featuring Lauren Southern as a headliner, the Alt Light provocateur that has been harassing Canadian leftists for years.  Southern was a content creator for Rebel Media and is an Alt Right sympathizers, and anti-fascists threw urine on her when she came out to defend an American Front meeting that was happening.

She will be appearing with a whole line-up of Alt Right figures, including AltRight.com contributor Brittany Pettibone.  Pettibone is known for her “White Genocide” and Pizzagate conspiracy theories, as well as nationalist and traditionalist politics.  She said that these “values that once made Western Civilization great, including but not limited to the glorification of the nuclear family, motherhood, masculinity, femininity, etiquette, traditional gender roles and love of one’s own culture, race and country.”  She now writes under Richard Spencer’s new website, cementing her in the world of white nationalism.

Parody right-wing songwriter The Man Spot will join them, as well as Kyle Chapman, the “based stickman” who has become a hero for the Alt Right as he fought Antifa with a stick and shield.

What this even shows is that Southern is willing to associate with open white nationalists, and create a bridge between her world and that of places like The Right Stuff.

The event is being promoted by Identity Europa, the campus focused Alt Right white nationalist group.  They have had a heavy presence in the Bay Area.  The Asatru Folk Alliance, a white nationalist nordic pagan group will also be in attendance, coordinating with Identity Europa.

What is especially pernicious about this event is that it will bring out more than just the Alt Right, creating the perfect cauldron for recruitment.  This is exactly what groups like Identity Europa and “IRL” groups for The Right Stuff need.  That is why this event should not go off unopposed, and an organized response is necessary.

The event will be held at 2151 MLK Jr. Way, Berkeley CA, 94704.

The event will start at 12:00 PM.


White Nationalist ‘Daily Shoah’ Calling For Mass Campus Propaganda Weekend After Election

It is well known that white nationalists/Alt Right are some of the worst organizers on the planet. In general, just successfully getting a meme or poster into the public is considered a win for them, while their left wing opponents are carrying out complex organizing campaigns with thousands of participants.

Flyer from UM Campus.

The Daily Shoah, and its website The Right Stuff, is not calling for an “agit prop” attempt at propaganda the weekend after the election. Following Alt Right posterings at the University of Michigan and the Iowa State University, who most assume the Daily Shoah was behind even though they persist they were not, they are calling for posters to be put up at major universities after the election. If Trump is to win, then it will gloat, if he does not, then it will scale up the revolutionary call for “white identity.”

Flyer from UM campus.

Mike Enoch and Seventh Son (Sven) from the Daily Shoah cite the multi-million dollar to commitment the University of Michigan made after the Alt Right posters showed up as a victory. In response to the racialist content they university extended a huge investment in diversity training and inclusionary policy developments, something that the Alt Right is claiming victory on even though anti-racist organizers have been campaigning for it for years. Since, statistically, these diversity trainings actually lower community feelings of bigotry, equalize educational outcomes, and generally work against white nationalist interests, we are going to allow them to continue their “victorious campaign” by inspiring more universities to confront racism.

What is likely to occur is many college-aged Daily Shoah insiders are going to go on campus with these posters during that weekend, attempting to get them up in the cover of night. The Daily Shoah has worked hard to develop a community around their message boards, and that is spilling out into actual community groups like the Houston Goylers in Houston, Texas, the New York Forum, in New York City, and groups in Dallas, Portland, Oregon, Detroit, and other cities. They have given the Alt Right a huge organizational boon, and they seem to have a great deal of crossover with Identity Europa.

Many of the flyers that will be used are found on Alt Right and Right Stuff commentator Reactionary Tree’s, A.K.A. Charles Lyons, website.  Here he has been putting up some racially charged propaganda.

Identity Europa poster from a San Francisco suburb.

For those who want to confront this behavior on campuses, then groups of students and anti-fascist supporters could do late night campus patrols looking to capture these people on camera. Since they thrive on anonymity for their racism, exposure will shut down their attempts at organizing. This is likely to take place on campuses that have seen this behavior before, especially where Identity Europa propaganda posters have appeared.


Some potential schools are (Based on where Alt Right and Identity Europa materials have recently appeared.):


Iowa State University

Portland State University

University of Michigan –Ann Arbor

California State University – Stanislaus

California State University – Berkeley

Charlotte, North Carolina area schools

University of Colorado at Denver

Houston, Texas area schools

Utah State University

Colorado Mountain College

Los Angeles, California area schools

University of Washington

Seattle University

Portland Community College

Washburn University

University of Pittsburgh

Minneapolis area schools

Recent Rise in Local Fascist Propaganda in Seattle Area and Beyond


In the last month or so, there’s been a rise in fascist and racist propaganda seen throughout the Seattle area. There’s been wheatpasted posters, stickers, and even graffiti in Ballard, the University District, the Central District, Beacon Hill, Leschi, South Lake Union and Capitol Hill. There have also been reports of posters and stickers seen on the campuses of Evergreen State College in Olympia, WSU in Spokane and WWU in Bellingham.

The propaganda belongs to at least three different groups, although we cannot be sure of how many people are actually involved. Those groups have been identified as American Renaissance, The Right Stuff, and Identity Evropa.

American Renaissance (AR or AmRen) is a publication that describes itself as a “race-realist, white advocacy organization” that was published in the 1990’s by New  Century Foundation, a white separatist organization. AR has been active since 1990, and is listed as a white supremacist organization by the Anti-Defamation League. They have been wheatpasting and writing graffiti in Sodo and the Central District, messages like “AR will vote from the rooftops” and “Vote Trump 2016” with their emblematic AR logo accompanying it.

The Right Stuff is an alt-right blog and podcast that seems to have situated itself comfortably between respectability-aiming fascist politicos and meme-filled internet culture. Their wheatpasted posters have been seen in the UD, the CD, Leschi and Sodo, and consist of a link to their website along with slogans like “Looking for solidarity?” “White Pride Worldwide” “White and Unapologetic, Rediscover White Identity.” They seem to be friendly with Identity Evropa, both of which have hosted each other on their own podcasts.

Identity Evropa posters and stickers have been seen in Ballard, South Lake Union, Capitol Hill, the UD, and as far south as Beacon Hill. This group seeks to shed the violent imagery and language that most racists and fascists are given, in favor for a respectable and presentable academic approach to uplifting and emboldening a so-called white European identity. One does not need to dig deep however to see them for what they really are; racist ideologues.

It is incredibly important to make sure that any kind of propaganda by these racist/fascist organizations are immediately disposed of or covered up. We cannot let them successfully have any space without some resistance on our part. Stay vigilant! Their propaganda is sometimes coded in strange symbology that doesn’t seem outright racist or fascist at first, but can be easily seen if you know what to look for. Carry a fat marker or small spray can with you when you walk around the city.

If you see any posters, graffiti, etc that belongs to or might belong to one of these groups or a sympathizer, take note and please emailantifa206 (at) riseup (dot) net so that we can continue to document and keep a record of their work and organizing.

Fash the Campus: Identity Europa, Millenial Recruitment, and the Berkeley Alt Right Safe Space

What was the purpose of having an Alt Right ‘Safe Space,’ other than to mock the idea that people need safe spaces sometimes?


When the idea was announced only a few days ago it seemed like an insulting media stunt, and it was, but it was also a strategic point for the growing Alt Right and its attempts to market racism and bigotry to Millenials. Richard Spencer of the Radix Journal and the National Policy Institute put together a video and a plan, to promote an outdoor meeting at the historic Sproul Plaza on the University of California and Berkeley campus. This was a place where 60s radicals joined together to confront the Vietnam War, and to build the Berkeley Free Speech movement. The point they were trying to make is that Berkeley is no longer a bastion of free speech because of the Political Correctness that has run rampant. Though this seems like the embarrassing overreach of angry children who are stomping their feet about no longer being able to say the N-word in public, what they are tapping into is a feeling in much of middle America of not understanding the new developments that have come in confronting interpersonal oppression.

Nathan Damigo, Identity Europa

The event was put together and manned primarily by Richard Spencer along with Nathan Damigo and Johnny Monoxide. Damigo is running the organization Identity Europa, whose name seems intended to conjure up the French organization Generation Identity that the American Alt Right often fawns over. That organization is built as a more radical alternative to the fascist Front National political party run by Marine Le Pen, which they think is too reformist and populist. Generation Identity has been pushing the “Identitarian” identification, which brings them somewhat in line with the fascist philosophy of the Nouvelle Droite movement and people like Alain de Benoit and Guillaume Faye.

Identity Europa began as the National Youth Front, but after a Christian group of the same name threatened to sue, Damigo changed it.  That organization went into disarray when Nathan’s co-founder,Angelo John Gage, left the organization in October.  When it was still the National Youth Front it had a back and forth relationship with the fascist and populist American Freedom Party, where they automatically registered NYF members with the AFP when they turned 35.  NYF hit more hurdles when their fundraising efforts were canceled by both GoFundMe and IndieGoGo for violating the terms of service, which comes from the fact that you can only strategically phrase things so much before the open racism becomes obvious.  The only real press that the NYF got on campuses was for trying to target professors at Arizona State University and Boston University for being “anti-white.”

Nathan is an example of the kind of middle ground that the Alt Right has always been on. Good looking, well spoken, dresses and combs his hair like a hip Banana Republic model; he is a good advertisement as he looks far from a Klansman (looks a lot like Richard, to be exact). He is an Iraq war veteran, but he is also a felon for a hate crime. Several years ago, after he returned from Iraq, he brutally attacked a Muslim man on the street, and robbed him. He went to prison for this, and, to be fair, is generally publicly apologetic for his behavior, but it actually reveals a driving set of perspectives that lie under his fashy hair. He has hoped that by being open about his conviction he would be spared of ridicule, but it is actually just provides more background about who he is and what has inspired his organizing program.

Though Identity Europa seems to be little more than his brainchild and attempt to coordinate with young people, they seem to attempt to be largely the same project that Youth for Western Civilization, the Traditionalist Youth Network/Workers Party, and the various White Student Unions are. They wish to make whiteness an identity battle, and present white advocacy as the same as Black and Latino rights organizations, including reaching out to communities of color to find “allies of color” who think that whites are being discriminated against on college campuses.

Johnny Monoxide
Johnny Monoxide at Burlingame Trump event.

Johnny Monoxide is another level of racism piled on, which may be a testament to the way that the Alt Right has been mainstreamed by gutter podcasts like the Daily Shoah. In fact, Richard Spencer had moved on from even using the term Alt Right and was simply referring to himself as an Identitarian in the French model, but after places like The Right Stuff started popularizing the phrase he returned to it. Monoxide is best known for hosting the short-lived podcast on the Right Stuff/Daily Shoah podcast network, The Current Year Tonight. This is a joke from the Daily Shoah lexicon referring to how liberals will respond to racism on social media by saying something like “racism, its 2016,” so now they will just respond by saying “it’s the current year.” Monoxide matches the angry racialism of Mike Enoch and Seventh Son, yet, unlike them, he shows his face in videos quite often. In a recent set of videos at the Burlingame, California Donald Trump appearance, he made a series of videos where he mocked protesters, using racial slurs and “calling the Jew ‘the Jew.’” He was interviewed and filmed heavily by Infowars, the conspiracy website that has taken a hard right turn and now spends most of their time mocking women and leftists.

Richard Spencer talking into the camera to the Red Ice Creations hosts.
Richard Spencer talking into the camera to the Red Ice Creations hosts.

The entire event was live streamed by Red Ice Radio, the white nationalist podcast network that has become one of the largest in their movement. From a semi-professional studio built in their living room, married team Lana and Henrik provided stunted commentary as Johnny Monoxide live streamed from what appeared to be his phone and was able to hear them in an earpiece. Monoxide doesn’t seem too worried about being found out in the world for his behavior because he is a union electrician in the Bay Area.  This doesn’t stop consequences from a counter-movement, but he is right that unions vessels of protecting their membership.

The event went as many expected it to go, including the organizers. Generally it was Spencer, Monoxide, and Damigo, and a couple of simple student protesters holding broad Alt Right sloganed signs as people came up and tried to argue with them. It was often an attempt to slip the group up on some kind of rhetoric, and a few Trump supporters, including students of color, came through to defend the group of racists. At one point, a loud man came through who obviously knew this was in progress and what it was. He identified Spencer as a “suit and tie Nazi” and called out Monoxide for being a union electrician. Spencer yelled back for the man to stop “whitesplaining” to the mostly non-white crowd, a move that he will likely be bringing up in speeches and podcasts for months with a self-congratulating smile.

While there were dozens of people that came through the square, none of them were necessarily set to argue the point because, as with most people, they were not trained to argue with a fascist whose entire purpose there is to bait you into an argument. Jack Donovan, a white nationalist allied male tribalist who rolls in these Alt Right circles, has a new book out calling Becoming a Barbarian. It is generally masculanist nonsense, yet one section has something that we thought was interesting to folks looking to confront fascism. Arguments, he says, are only between friends. There is no point in arguing with enemies since you have no stake in changing their mind. Let them have their ideas, and save disagreements between people that you really do want to find unity with.

We will never find political or social unity with Damigo and Spencer, and the arguments themselves end up being relatively politically useless. They want to get you to engage with them so they can hopefully have a chance to pontificate more rhetoric and then use very well planned verbal prose to try and sow doubt. Most people have not sat there and trained themselves to make arguments about race and IQ, to know the latest archeological evidence about pre-colonial Africa, to understand the nuance in race and crime statistics. Spencer knows this, and so he can use the very small amount of evidence he has to support his wild ideas and most people are not ready to combat it. In this case, he knows that getting people into the argument is a win. Most of the people in the square that day were strong voices that advocated for inclusivity and diversity. A conversation still should be had about what anti-fascists call the “no platform” approach, and why we should leave our arguments between comrades and those who are not open racists. While those people argued with them, Lana and Henrik mocked them on air, using racial language and laughing at each impassioned plea against racism.

Spencer and Damigo intended to use the Berkeley Alt Right Safe Space experiment to see if they were going to do this on other college campuses. Given the way that they discussed, promoted, and reflected on it, they likely will do this again.

This is not the last time that they will show up on campus, but a college anti-fascist movement can be equipped to handle their push when it returns.